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Underwater maps and modern building interiors

Hey there, first off I apologize if this is the incorrect place to ask. I was wondering if there were any good underwater maps or modern-ish building interior maps. I'm going to be doing a Pathfinder campaign set on a world that once had modern technology and building, but through global warming, comets and magic was almost completely swallowed up by the ocean. So my players will be exploring underwater, and dungeons will be mostly sunken skyscrappers. (as mountain peaks and the top floors of skyscrapers are the only things that rise above the surface of the water.) I know it's highly unlikely that I'll find any underwater maps in sunken city-scapes or flooded office building/apartments, but i could probably make by with using both modern tiles/maps and underwater.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There are a number of sets, but they are primarily fantasy. If you don't like the way the marktplace is returning hits, you could try a directed google image search on: underwater map Also, you can use this trick to make a regular map "feel" underwater. The trick immediately following has some ideas that you might be able to work with, depending on your graphic skills.
keithcurtis said: There are a number of sets, but they are primarily fantasy. If you don't like the way the marktplace is returning hits, you could try a directed google image search on: underwater map Also, you can use this trick to make a regular map "feel" underwater. The trick immediately following has some ideas that you might be able to work with, depending on your graphic skills. Thanks, Yeah I wasn't expecting there to be a lot or really anything close to what I require. Figured hat most specifically underwater map would be fantasy or generic sea floor. Since this campaign setting concept was mostly anime inspired, and, of all things, the GTA: V Tsunami mod. I had a mod review of it on youtube and when I saw the him sailing a boat between half submerged skyscrapers I really liked the concept and was isnpired. I appreciate you sharing that link and that trick, that will definitely be useful! ^_^
Tiffany M.
Marketplace Creator
I've been working on a cyberpunk set. It's only a couple of extra steps to do this to it and add a watery effect if that's something you'd want I can add it while I finish working on my Cyberpunk Adventure set. Please enjoy the free underwater prison sample, should be useable in Roll20.

Edited 1581196982
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
Heya :) Give these Modern Maps a go:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> There are sequels coming up shortly. And I doubt you'll find a flooded modern city - so here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I can't upload the more oceanic-themed underwater tiles here as R20 restricts colour-change sets (I have hundreds), but these tiles on the store might help you build underwater-eqsue domains:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Good gaming friend.
Finding underwater maps is very hard. Your best bet is to build modern maps with the suggestions above or use brass badger's modern map making sets and using a transparent water overlay to place over the map you are working on. I found this water overlay from googling dundjinni a while back and it's been a life saver for making underwater maps or using it to flood rooms from traps. I posted this link with the transparent water overlay file and a screenshot of it in action from a map pack i own. The good thing about the overlay is it's seamless so you can stack them together and it's not noticeable. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1583143337
Tiffany M.
Marketplace Creator
Oh yeah, that reminds me I made this water fill loop a while ago. It was a test to make a seamless tiling texture, I made it out of some free stock art, you're welcome to swipe it and use it as an overlay fill on your map to try make it look underwater! Credit not needed, it was something I was fooling around with a few months ago and it's imperfect, not a product I will ever be selling but maybe it will be useful to get the underwater effect. [Edit: Thanks Kris \/ ]

Edited 1582062062
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
Just a heads up - I'll be making Atlantis maps this year so keep an eye out. [That texture looks damn nice Tiffany]
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
@Tempest - I've started work on an underwater modern set. It'll have a 1/3 of the maps underwater, a 1/3 of the maps half-submerged and 1/3 of the maps in shallow water + an extra Tsunami set, heavy rain, and smashed tanker. Should be up on R20 in about 14 days. Cheers :)

Edited 1584559675
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
All Done. Will submit tomorrow. The set uses the first 6 Meander Modern City Maps in four variants but with modifications such as obvious signs of water force dislodging floatable objects, lots of floating debris in the water inside or outside such as trash, rubbish bins, or cars. I also added fully submerged versions with the Interiors. As mentioned I also made a few massive Tsunami maps - first time attempt at such maps - but they turned out very decent.&nbsp; Kind Regards, Kris
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
Hello tempest and others following this thread&nbsp; - I have diverted my Underwater/Tsunami set to crowdfunding first, after which it will come to Roll20. Due to unexpected financial bills this is the best solution for me and I apologise for the temporary delay. These maps will be on the Roll20 Marketplace by Late April, Early May.&nbsp; There are however two existing Modern City modular map sets on the marketplace to choose from in the Meanders range. Just type Meander into the filter and it should bring them up. Wherein you can use the water filter trick suggested above on them in the interim until this new set arrives. Apologies for any inconvenience.
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
And released. Stay safe out there.