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How to make a list of option

Hello, I would like to make a macro that open a list of different type of dice roll (for ability check). I know how to create a list : ?{General text prompt to display |Option1, Result1| Option2, Result2 | Option3, Result3} But i don't understand how to put the following check as an option (shadowrun): @{selected|gm_toggle} &{template:rolls}{{header=^{defense}}}{{base=^{base}}}{{dice=[[((@{selected|defense})+@{selected|wounds_toggle}+@{selected|modifiers_toggle}+@{selected|edge_toggle})d6>5@{selected|explode_toggle}]]}}{{mod=[[@{selected|modifiers_toggle}]]}}{{wound=[[@{selected|wounds_toggle}]]}}{{edge=[[@{selected|edge_toggle}]]}}

Edited 1581256002
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Your issue with nesting templates within a query is that the query will end at the first } it encounters that isn't part of an attribute call, it'll also interpret commas and pipes as part of its syntax too. Check out the wiki entry for more details. The long and short of it is that your template requires some html replacements to work (note, that this will stop it functioning as a normal macro): @{selected|gm_toggle} &{template:rolls}{{header=^{defense}}}{{base=^{base}}}{{dice=[[((@{selected|defense})+@{selected|wounds_toggle}+@{selected|modifiers_toggle}+@{selected|edge_toggle})d6>5@{selected|explode_toggle}]]}}{{mod=[[@{selected|modifiers_toggle}]]}}{{wound=[[@{selected|wounds_toggle}]]}}{{edge=[[@{selected|edge_toggle}]]}} You are advised to consider using a chat menu as these things can get complicated REAL quick lol... however, take heart, what you want is  possible, it just requires some experience and patience ;)
Thank you !