Pauly da Leg-breaka said: Why do we need a margin of success -a number-, anyway? The standard, good, and outstanding are enough, as that's what the game runs on, anyway. You cannot calculate S, G and O without knowing the margin of success, because that's how you figure them out. You did tell us all why, in the past, but now the system on your current sheet is more of a pain in the ass than it is helpful. You also told us if it turned out to be that way, you would change it. Anyone else agree with me and just not normally willing to voice an opinion? I'll be blunt here: You can voice your opinion all you like, but please do it somewhere other than this thread. It's not going to change anything here. I'm not sure I would ever say that, because it is simply not possible* to do it without losing key features of the sheet. What I said was, I'll be making an API script for Pro users which will be able to do it (you can do this kind of thing much easier with the API), but it was a low priority since it's a Pro subscriber feature only, and then my life got very complicated and i havent had time for that. *Note: it wasnt possible back then, because the current rolltemplate takes around 2,000 lines of code to give the roll results it gives. To generate the different levels of success, and keep the sheet's features it currently has, someone would need to write at least 3-4x that amount, possibly much more. Take a moment to think about how much work that entails, and remember its not just writing the words and letters - its constructing the logic and mathemetics that make it work, involving a lot of nested structures. But I've since learned about html templating engines which would massively reduce the work involved - but dont misread that: massively reducing a gargantuan task does not make it a small task. It's still a massive job. So, while I have thought about it, it's a low priority, along with a bunch of things to do after the rest of the sheet and my other growing piles of projects are done. So, to be clear, there are no plans in the near future to attempt this.