I've scrounged around for the answer for this one, and I feel like I'm close, but I know I'm missing a piece. The classes in Unity (by Modiphius) each have different resources. Dreadnoughts have Fury, Priests have Faith, etc. They retain and use them at varying increments, so in turn each class has a standardized "Recharge Die" that they may roll to regain their Resource at certain points. Dreadnoughts roll d4, while Priests roll d6. With the help of everyone here I have already worked up a nifty sheet worker that loads in a table of stats when you first pick a class on my original Unity sheet. It was not too tough for me to make that sheet worker store the recharge die and put it into the value of the recharge roll button. So when you pick Dreadnought, you get the appropriate Resource name (Fury), the correct max amount of the resource (6), and a recharge roll button that rolls d4, etc. This is good! I also learned how to pseudo-style buttons in CSS so that I can make an appropriately styled d4 button appear - also good! Now... I want to be able to display the player's relevant die, and only that die, on their sheet. To me it's just more visually appealing than reading "d6" or just clicking the d20. From examples I've found this may be something where you display the d6 or d4 element if a checkbox or radio button is checked somewhere, but I have only really found this laid out plainly for something like Cycling Buttons in the wiki. Not sure how to apply it to Roll Buttons, so I'm hoping someone can guide me in the right direction before I waste too much time on it. Here's the script I'm working with, simplified for the relevant bits: <div class="resource"> <button type="roll" name="roll_recharge" value="/roll @{recharge}"></button> <input type="text" name="attr_resourcetype" placeholder="Resource"/> <div> on("change:class sheet:opened", function () { getAttrs(['class'], function(values) { const classes = { dreadnought: {resourcetype: "Fury (6)" , resource: 6, resource_max: 6, recharge: "d4", driftwalker: {resourcetype: "Bile (8)" , resource: 8, resource_max: 8, recharge: "d6"}, judge: {resourcetype: "Fervor (6)", resource: 6, resource_max: 6, recharge: "d4"} }; const classy = values.class; if (!classes.hasOwnProperty( classy )) { console.log("Error: The item " + classy + " is not found within the classes Object."); return; } const metrics = classes[classy]; setAttrs(metrics); }); }); Relevant CSS .sheet-resource button[type=roll]::before { font-family: dicefontd10; content: "K"; font-size: 3em; color: #a0a4e3; background-color: transparent; border: none; line-height: 15px; background-image: none; text-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; font-weight: normal; transition: 0.3s; } .sheet-resource button[type=roll]:hover::before { color: #dbd879; } (Seems obvious that I would have to make a CSS element for all potential buttons. The question is more over how I link them back to the class change.) Anything helps. Thanks!