Hi all, I have several issues at once. Pretty sure its some basic misconception or beginners error but I read and reread the Macro documentation and I can't figure it out. I run a game of Index Card RPG and want my players to be able to roll their checks without having to open their character sheet and without having an enormous Macro bar. So I first got some help and made a general "token" macro that works wonderfully. However I would like for it to work even if no Token is selected as I want to use "RPG Scenes" where no tokens are present on screen. And I found that many players constantly forget to click their token before doing anything. I am now working on turning the Macros in ones that work without a selected token but it has been a nightmare. This is where I am at. Ability Check Chat creates a Chat Menu asking for the user to click the Attribute to use. This works but uses the general macros from the macro tab that require a selected token, not the same named macros from the sheet. I just made one macro on the same sheet (STR-P) but it's not called, just prints the call for the macro into the chat and nothing happens. If I use DEX it uses the generic Macro which needs a token selected but fires OK. I wager I must tell the macro to use and call a macro from a sheet but everything I tried @ % {TESTTOON|#STR-P} has failed me so far. I spent 12+ hours on this already and it's more trouble than it's worth but I want to get this done once so I can reuse it for other games. Any help appreciated.