I have seen a lot of variations of requests for something like this come along with the influx of new users (Hi Everyone!) "How can I run a monster without opening the character sheet? I want its attacks on buttons." The following macro will whisper a Chat Menu to the GM containing the monster's basic statblock. Nearly everything it reports is a clickable button. No API is required for this—it runs on basic macro commands and the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet's built-in Abilities. I will show you how to install this macro (in only one spot!) and have it work for all NPCs in your game. Some restrictions and suggestions: The basic roll templates in the 5e sheet use the default Roll20 Big Pink Button. This is fine for a Chat Menu with a few commands, but it really makes the output huge and unwieldy. The opposite of what you want. Although in no way required, I strong advise anyone using this to install the Stylus extension for their browser and install the style below to modify the buttons into simple text links. (Full instructions are at the top of the linked thread. It's very simple.) Inline Links on OGL Roll Templates Because macros have no conditional logic, the macro has no idea how many actions are on the character sheet. I have written it for the top five actions, which should be good enough in most cases. If your create has more, they won't display, but a creature that complex likely should have it's sheet open and available (you can minimize any sheet by double-clicking its header). If it has fewer actions, the last few buttons will have garbage labels. Just ignore them. There are some excellent solutions for this using the API, but I want to present something usable by all users. This will only work for NPC sheets . PC sheets use different attributes and are complex enough that a free solution would not serve them as well. This does not handle spellcasting , again, because there is too much conditional logic involved. If you are running a spellcaster, keep the sheet open and minimized or open in a popped out window for reference. What does it look like? If you install the stylus extension above, it will look like this. Skills and Actions are clickable. If you click an attribute, it will make an attribute roll, if you click the word "save" after the attribute, it will make the corresponding saving throw. Similarly, it will roll skill checks and Actions. I have not included an initiative button. That should have its own token action button. I'll give that as a bonus at the bottom of this post. How do I install it? You'll want to install it so that is instantly usable by all tokens that are linked to an NPC character sheet. Create a new macro in your Collections tab and name it "Statblock" After you have pasted the code below and but before you have saved the macro click the button that says, "Show as Token Action?" It should look like the example below. Because you have saved this as a token action in your macros tab, it is instantly available to you, the DM, whenever you select a token that represents a character. You do not have to install it on every sheet. The button will even appear when you select a PC token, but remember, the code is designed for NPCs. You will get mostly garbage if you try to run this for a PC. By the way, don't click "In Bar" for this macro. It only has value as a token action and doesn't make sense to be in the macro quick bar at the bottom. Where is the code? Right here: /w gm &{template:npcaction}{{rname=@{selected|character_name}}}{{name=@{selected|npc_type} **HP: **@{selected|bar1} / @{selected|hp|max} | ** AC: ** @{selected|npc_ac} | **Spd: ** @{selected|npc_speed} **Languages: **@{selected|npc_languages} **Senses: **@{selected|npc_senses} **Resists:: **@{selected|npc_resistances} **Immune: **@{selected|npc_immunities} **Cond. Immune: **@{selected|npc_condition_immunities}}}{{description=**Abilities** [**Str @{selected|strength}** *(@{selected|strength_mod})*](~selected|npc_str) | [save](~selected|npc_str_save) [**Dex @{selected|dexterity}** *(@{selected|dexterity_mod})*](~selected|npc_dec) | [save](~selected|npc_dex_save) [**Con @{selected|constitution}** *(@{selected|constitution_mod})*](~selected|npc_con) | [save](~selected|npc_con_save) [**Int @{selected|intelligence}** *(@{selected|intelligence_mod})*](~selected|npc_int) | [save](~selected|npc_int_save) [**Wis @{selected|wisdom}** *(@{selected|wisdom_mod})*](~selected|npc_wis) | [save](~selected|npc_wis_save) [**Cha @{selected|charisma}** *(@{selected|charisma_mod})*](~selected|npc_cha) | [save](~selected|npc_cha_save) **Skills** [Acrobatics](~selected|npc_Acrobatics) | [Animal Handling](~selected|npc_Animal_Handling) | [Arcana](~selected|npc_Arcana) | [Athletics](~selected|npc_Athletics|Deception](~selected|npc_Deception) | [History](~selected|npc_History) | [Insight](~selected|npc_Insight) | [Intimidation](~selected|npc_Intimidation) | [Investigation](~selected|npc_Investigation) | [Medicine](~selected|npc_Medicine) | [Nature](~selected|npc_Nature) | [Perception](~selected|npc_Perception) | [Performance](~selected|npc_Performance) | [Persuasion](~selected|npc_Persuasion) | [Religion](~selected|npc_Religion) | [Sleight of Hand](~selected|npc_Sleight_of_Hand) | [Stealth](~selected|npc_stealth) | [Survival](~selected|npc_survival) **Actions** [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$2_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$2_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$3_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$3_npc_action) [@{selected|repeating_npcaction_$4_name}](~selected|repeating_npcaction_$4_npc_action) }} &{noerror} Thanks to Alan for some proofreading, and a great suggestion (incorporated above.) Those last long lines are the ones that control the display of NPC actions. You can add or delete to your taste following the displayed pattern. Where is that Initiative Macro you promised? Right here. Install it the same way you installed the Statblock macro, as a universal token action. Because of the limitations of Roll20, this will only work on one selected token at a time. If you need to roll for a group with one click, that will require the API. Like the Statblock macro, this will only work on NPC tokens. %{selected|npc_init} If you want to make one for players to use as well, create a separate macro with the code below, and save it as you did the others, with one exception. In the permissions field of the macro, choose "All players". Everyone will have a token action they can use to roll initiative as long as they have their token selected. %{selected|initiative} Bonus bonus. Spellblock Macro (later in this thread). Jarren K has made an improved version: Universal NPC Statblock Abilities and Spells Chat Menus for D&D 5e sheet — No API or Stylus required!