Hey Guys - yes I have read the following wiki page: https://wiki.roll20.net/Linking_Tokens_to_Journals
Which would be fine if I just wanted 30 units of the same type with just seperated HP bars.
My issue is the following:
I'm not only using the fixed values for HP and armor class for the mooks. (And actually even those are not neccessarily fixed)
I also use the API to cast spells and modify stats. For example I have a spell that increases STR by 4. Or one of the players uses a debuff that reduces Armor by 2 or something similar.
Let's now create a few goblins for example. I create that goblin character sheet to have attributes, saving throws, weapons and skills and HP and ... ready. So now I want 20 goblins to jump around the map so I drag them on the map.
When I now use a debuff on one of the goblins and automatically modify it's STR (in the character sheet) it automatically changes the STR of every mook. (of course).
When I use the API to create a status marker on that token (for example adding the strong-icon after raising the STR in the character sheet) it automatically adds the strong Icon to every instance of the token representing the character. (every token)
I can't imagine that I'm the only GM who doesn't want to waste 80% of an evenings time in a battle by noting buffs and debuffs and calculating stats for every mook manually when I have a character sheet that does it automatically. Is the only option to actually duplicate the character sheet and like... create 20 copys of the same "goblin brawler"? Is there an option to - for example - via API create multiple instances of the same character sheet?
Help is appreciated. If this is not yet possible - I think this would be a real useful feature. As far as I know the game becomes slower the more sheets there are. And especially if you use the API to (for example) loop through every possible character. So I don't want to really have 20 character sheets of every monster type just so I can use and buff them seperately.