I'm using this custom API https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5362387/slug%7D and I am running into a snag.
I tested with the following, !setability --name M1 --W-1-Detect-Undead and have a character journal named M1, I get it to create the ability W-1-Detect-Undead with an empty abilitytext field, expected behavior.
Getting that to work, I add the ability text to the string and get the following error code: You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected:
So I select a token, Bob the Mage, run the following script command;
!setability --name M1 --W-1-Detect-Undead#&{template:2Espell}{{title=@{selected|token_name} casts Detect Undead}} {{splevel=Wizard level 1}} {{school=Divination, Necromancy}}{{components=V, S, M}}{{time=1round}}{{range=0 yards/feet}}{{duration=3 Turns}}{{aoe=[[({@{selected|3EquivalentWizardLevel}}*10+60)]] feet long x 10 feet wide }}{{save=None}}{{reference=PHB, page 133}}{{effects=Real text deleted to shorten the post.}}
Referencing the above spell macro, with the token Bob the Mage selected, it replaces @selected_token_name with the actual tokens name, ie {{title=Bob the Mage casts Detect Undead}} and deletes the preceding &{template:2Espell}
I know it's custom, but if anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong, or if the script itself is the issue, I'd appreciate it.
*edit* Renaming Bob the Mage to M1 gives the same results.
*edit2* pasted correct code into the above, -- was the wrong string needed between undead and &. Still not working, however.