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Formatting a template.

So a template I have created has the names appearing in the center, and descriptions cramped onto the right hand side, whilst another one that I did in what looks to me to be the same exact way appears with the name on the left, and the description spread out covering the center and right...   So I'm guessing that its something in the macro it self, so I'll put those up too... &{template:default} {{name=Character Generator}}{{Background=[[1t[CG-Background]]]}}{{Ability Scores=}}{{[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}}{{From=[[1t[CG-Homeland]]]}}{{Parents=[[1d3-1]]}}{{Siblings=[[1t[CG-Family-Siblings]]]}}{{Secrets=[[1t[CG-Mysterious-Secret]]]}}{{+=[[1t[CG-Mysterious-Secret]]]}}{{Fateful Moment=[[1t[CG-Fateful-Moments]]]}}{{ +=[[1t[CG-Fateful-Moments2]]]}} #Fateful-moments-and-secrets and /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Character secrets/moments}}{{Prophecy = [[1t[CG-Prophecy-Inspirations]]]}}{{ + = [[1t[CG-Prophecy-Inspirations]]]}} So, any Ideas what I can do the fix this ? Thanks
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This is your problem {{Ability Scores=}}{{[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}} Change that to {{Ability Scores=[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}} so they are on one row. If you dont want to do that, try removing the = from ability scores. But I think it wont help - if you want to balance the columns you need something on both sides of the =.
OK, yeah that sorted the formatting perfectly... so thank-you... unfortunately when the "{{" is removed from the  {{[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}} the ability scores themselves no longer appear...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Do you have more than row with {{Ability Scores=  section in your template? The bit to the left of the equals sign must be unique. I cant think of any other reason why they wouldnt show up.

Edited 1586351828
I think that they don't show up because the "{{" is part of the formula for rolling the stats... Sorry, I'm not very good with how macro's work and the right way to describe what I'm trying to say... &{template:default}{{name=Ability Scores}}{{[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}} But this macro should give you a Template called Ability scores.. and in that template should be 6 numbers... if you remove those "{{"... it doesnt work, the header will pop up saying Ability Scores, but the part under it will be blank. I guess its the same thing when its inside the bigger macro, it needs the "{{" in order to function at all. I've come up witha temporary fix though...I removed it from the main part of the macro, and added this part here to the end as a new block... so the macro now generates two separate templates, and the numbers no longer mess up the formatting of the main part...I guess that will do until a better solution is found.

Edited 1586351993
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The {{ isnt part of the formula. You can demonstrate this by just copying and pasting this into chat [[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]] The stats will be rolled. Yes, if you remove just one {{ it wont work properly, but thats because you are breaking the layout. A template layout is like this: &{template:default}{{name=Put your name here }}{{put a title here=put some text here}}{{put a title here=put some text here}} If you remove one of the {{ it wont work, because it breaks the layout. But above you have this {{Ability Scores=}}{{[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}} the middle }} and {{ are misplaced. They are forcing those two sections into separate rows, and thats what is causing the problem in your picture. You can see this by just looking at the picture. To fix it remove the }}{{ from the middle of that section, so it becomes {{Ability Scores=[[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]][[4d6kh3]]}} This absolutely  will work, as long as you dont have another {{Ability Scores= in your template.

Edited 1586352614
Well that's fixed it... Thanks so much for taking time to help me out here... its greatly appreciated :D
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You're welcome :)