No, for once this isn't me moaning for help. :)

Earlier, I had asked if someone had made a decent macro to track the paladin's pool of Lay on Hands HP. Then I went looking for solutions, but didn't really vibe with any of them. So I wound up digging into ChatSetAttr, banging my (untrained) head against the wall, and finally came up with this. I know it probably sucks, but it does what I want it to do, which is pop up a menu to let the player input a custom number of HP, then subtract that total from the existing LoH pool, which is other_resource on the character sheet. So if it helps anyone else out, I'll be happy.

!modbattr --sel --other_resource|-[[?{Lay on Hands: @{selected|other_resource} HP available|0}]] --fb-from @{selected|character_name} --fb-header Lay on Hands --fb-content As an action, you touch a creature to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool of healing. Alternatively, you expend 5 hit points from your pool to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You have **_CUR0_ Lay on Hands HP** remaining in your pool.