I'm a newb when it comes to the community sheet Occultists get a pool of mental focus that they invest/store into the implements (usually each day), and then later spend that focus to generate abilities.  The channeler archetype does not invest all their focus at the start, and when they do it drains -1/10 minutes... but otherwise would generally work as the standard. Any thoughts on how best to track that on the pathfinder community sheet? Ideally a base Mental Focus pool that is either Standard) Occultist Level + Int modifier or Channeler) Occultist level + 2x Int modifier Example:  Lvl 3 Occultist, 20 INT (+5) = 3+5=8 or 3+(2x5)=13 Then separate pools per implement type Abjuration Transmutation Illusion With an initially invested amount (A), Spent amount (B), Remaining Amount (A-B)  I have the class abilities in there for the base powers and focuses, ideally if I rolled one of those it would pull from the appropriate implement type pool. Custom number attributes?  Something similar?   Anyone have occultist macro examples or how they've accomplished it? Thanks!