So yeah I been playing for awhile now and I been wanting to find a game using the gestalt rule set (for those unaware the players pick two classes and they level up together, many people think its over powered but you get limited options based on said classes and only get the HP and hit dice from one of the classes, more or less it just give the players more options) I am not looking for a paid game as I am broke but I am available most days later in the afternoon (I am in central time...CDT at the moment...or CST...) after 7pmish. A little bit about me: I am 30 (turning 31 soon) I am very nerdy, big anime, video game, fantasy and science fiction fan, I make really bad jokes, I am very reasonable and I am a closet rules lawyer (means I know like 90% of the rules very well and well comment on it if no one knows how that rule works but will otherwise not care if the DM wants to bend one of the rules a little for the sake of the players or to make things a little more interesting) I am not looking for a war gamer table I am just looking for a fun and chill time.