Hi there my fellow gamers. Id be willing to run a Warhammer 40k game with all of ya. I dont mind playing with high schoolers just as long as you keep it mature and sane. Now with that in mind, the 40k game systems ive got are Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch. So take a vote and which every one is popular, ill see about putting a game together as a one shot deal and from there see how it progresses and i may turn it into a regular gaming group. My times i can run something, will be EST or GMT -5 and i can go from about 1pm to about 11pm almost everyday except Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. Ive ran successful games of Rogue Trader with a group of college friends and theyve all loved it. Im well versed in the lore of the 40k universe and know how it works. So with that in mind let me know which game system youd like me to run in and ill get something set up. For the newbies to the 40k setting heres the basics of each game: Dark Heresy - Inquisitorial Agents, Investigation type game, Rogue Trader - Space Pirates or Privateers on giant space ships, Deathwatch - Think of the Halo games except on a much more massive scale and more background behind what a space marine is and the chapters behind them.