On numerous occasions, I've noticed that the language files are out-of-sync with changes made to the translation.json. This results in errors and/or incorrect text displayed on the sheet whether in English or other languages... Using the Forbidden Lands sheet as an example; here's the latest translation.json submitted and the en.json . 1. Shouldn't the en.json be an exact duplicate of the translation.json? I've noticed the other language files are similarly out-of-sync from the translation.json. I've tried manually updating each language file and including the changes in my pull request as well, but while it appears the language files pick up new keys, changes made to the key|value pairs are seemingly ignored... 2. Are sheet authors supposed to even touch the language files? Very frustrating. Any help with this is appreciated! Thank you. translation.json { "adult-2": "Adult+1", "age": "Age", "agility": "Agility", "agility-abbr": "Agi", "agility-abbr-u": "AGI", "animal-handling": "Animal Handling", "api-dice": "api dice", "api-dice-title": "Use API Dice Roller. (API is a Pro feature) 'Forbidden Lands Year-Zero Die Roller' script must be installed.", "appearance-u": "APPEARANCE", "armor": "Armor", "armor-helmet": "ARMOR/HELMET", "armor-rating": "Armor Rating", "armor-rating-abbr": "AR", "armor-rating-total": "Total GEAR dice included for armor1 + armor2. @{ar}", "armor-rating-u": "ARMOR RATING", "armor-roll": "Armor Roll", "armor-type": "Armor Type", "armor1-bonus": "Record the armor's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice). @{armor1_bonus}", "armor1-bonus-max": "Record the armor's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{armor1_bonus_max}", "armor1-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{armor1_damage}", "armor1-bonus-total": "Total GEAR and SKILL dice included for armor1. @{armor1_ar}", "armor2-bonus": "Record the armor's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice). @{armor2_bonus}", "armor2-bonus-max": "Record the armor's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{armor2_bonus_max}", "armor2-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{armor2_damage}", "armor2-bonus-total": "Total GEAR and SKILL dice included for armor2. @{armor2_ar}", "arms-length-abbr": "Arm's L.", "arrows": "Arrows", "artifact": "Artifact Dice", "artifact-bonus": "Artifact Bonus", "attack": "Attack", "attack-abbrv": "Attk", "attr-abbr": "Attr", "attribute-score": "Attribute Score", "attribute-u": "ATTRIBUTES", "bane": "Bane", "base": "Base", "base-attr-abbr": "Base/Attr", "base-attribute-dice": "Base/Attribute Dice", "base-dice": "Base Dice", "beasts-u": "BEASTS", "body": "Body", "bonus": "Bonus", "bonus-abbr": "Bon", "bread": "Bread", "carried": "Carried", "carried-abbr": "Carr", "carry": "Carry", "character": "Character", "clear-dice-pool": "Clear Dice Pool", "close": "[close]", "close-announcements": "Close Announcements", "cloth": "Cloth", "clothing": "Clothing", "coins-carried": "Coins Carried", "coins-u": "COINS", "cold": "Cold", "condition-cold": "When the cold is bitter and you don’t have enough shelter, you have to roll ENDURANCE regularly. @{cold}", "condition-hungry": "You must eat a ration of food at least once every day. After a day without food, you become HUNGRY. @{hungry}", "condition-sleepy": "You need to sleep for at least one Quarter Day of each day. After one day without sleep, you become SLEEPY. @{sleepy}", "condition-thirsty": "You must drink a ration of water at least once per day. After a day without water, you become THIRSTY. @{thirsty}", "condition-u": "CONDITIONS", "consumable": "Consumable", "consumable-note": "**note:** be sure to manually reduce the consumable die on the sheet if you roll bane.", "consumable-u": "CONSUMABLES", "copper": "Copper", "crafting": "Crafting", "crafting-monster": "Crafting", "critical-injuries": "Critical Injuries", "critical-u": "CRITICAL INJURIES", "current": "Current", "current-preset": "Current Preset", "custom-roll": "Custom Roll", "d66-roll": "D66 Roll", "damage": "Damage", "damage-abbr": "Dmg", "dark-secret": "Dark Secret", "defense-rating": "Defense Rating", "description": "Description", "dice-only": "Dice Only", "dice-pool": "Dice Pool", "dice-pool-u": "DICE POOL", "die": "Die", "die-10": "d10", "die-10-u": "D10", "die-12": "d12", "die-12-u": "D12", "die-6": "d6", "die-6-u": "D6", "die-66": "d66", "die-66-u": "D66", "die-8": "d8", "die-8-u": "D8", "distant": "Distant", "dmg-abbr": "Dmg", "don": "Don", "duration": "Duration", "effects": "Effects", "empathy": "Empathy", "empathy-abbr": "Emp", "encumbrance": "Encumbrance", "encumbrance-current-abbr": "Current Encum", "endurance": "Endurance", "endurance-monster": "Endurance", "epic": "Epic", "experience-u": "EXPERIENCE", "extra-damage": "Toggle extra damage tracking (25-48)", "face": "Face", "features": "Features", "fish": "Fish", "flour": "Flour", "food": "Food", "function-u": "FUNCTIONS", "fur": "Fur", "gea-u": "GEAR", "gear": "Gear", "gear-bonus": "Gear Bonus", "gear-dice": "Gear Dice", "gear-notes": "Gear/Notes", "gear-weight": "Gear Weight", "general-abbrv": "Gen", "glass": "Glass", "gold": "Gold", "grain": "Grain", "grip": "Grip", "healing": "Healing", "healing-time": "Healing Time", "heavy-abbr": "H", "herbs": "Herbs", "hirelings-u": "HIRELINGS", "hungry": "Hungry", "ingredients": "Ingredients", "injury": "Injury", "insight": "Insight", "iron": "Iron", "iron-ore": "Iron Ore", "item": "Item", "kin": "Kin", "latest-announcements": "Latest Announcements", "leather": "Leather", "legendary": "Legendary", "lethal": "Lethal", "light-abbr": "L", "location": "Location", "logo-forbidden-lands": "FORBIDDEN LANDS", "long": "Long", "lore": "Lore", "lvl-abbr": "Lvl", "manipulation": "Manipulation", "marksmanship": "Marksmanship", "marksmanship-abbr": "Marks.", "max-abbr": "Max", "meat": "Meat", "melee": "Melee", "melee-monster": "Melee", "might": "Might", "might-monster": "Might", "mighty": "Mighty", "misc-abbr": "Misc", "misc-gear-abbr": "Misc Gear", "misc-skill-abbr": "Misc Skill", "monster": "Monster", "monster-attack": "Monster Attack", "monster-attacks-u": "MONSTER ATTACKS", "monster-name": "Monster's Name/Type", "moun-u": "MOUNT", "mount": "Mount", "mounted": "Mounted", "mounts-gear": "Mount's Gear", "move": "Move", "move-type": "Move Type", "movement": "Movement", "name": "Name", "near": "Near", "no": "No", "no-damage": "No Damage", "no-willpower": "No Willpower", "normal-abbr": "N", "not-applicable-abbr": "n/a", "note-description": "Note's description", "note-name": "Note's name", "notes": "Notes", "notes-text": "notes...", "notes-u": "NOTES", "number-abbr": "Num", "of-arrows": "of Arrows", "of-food": "of Food", "of-torches": "of Torches", "of-water": "of Water", "old-3": "Old+2", "old-announcements": "Old Announcements", "older": "[older]", "on-mount": "Gear on Mount", "one-hand-abbr": "1H", "other": "Other", "out-of-arrows": "Out of Arrows", "out-of-food": "Out of Food", "out-of-torches": "Out of Torches", "out-of-water": "Out of Water", "pack-rat": "Pack Rat Talent?", "pack-rat-title": "You can carry additional items.", "parry": "Parry", "pc-name": "PC's name", "performance": "Performance", "personal": "Personal", "pride": "Pride", "pride-roll": "Pride Roll", "production-outcome": "Production/Outcome", "profession": "Profession", "profession-abbrv": "Prof", "push": "Push", "push-dice": "Push the Dice!", "push-query": "Is the Dice Pool correct...? (hint:remove successes and bane) |Yes - Submit to Roll.,Dice Pool is correct.|No - Cancel.,Dice Pool needs to be corrected.", "pushes-the-roll": "Pushes the Roll", "quantity-abbr": "Qty", "range": "Range", "ranged": "Ranged", "rank": "Rank", "rank-1-pack-rat": "Rank 1 (+2)", "rank-2-pack-rat": "Rank 2 (+5)", "rank-3-pack-rat": "Rank 3 (+10)", "rating": "Rating", "rating-abbr": "Rat", "relationship-description": "Describe the relationship.", "relationships-u": "RELATIONSHIPS", "reputation": "Reputation", "reputation-bonus": "How well known are you? @{reputation}", "reputation-roll": "Reputation Roll", "reset-dice": "Reset dice pool.", "roll": "Roll", "roll-agility": "Agility Roll", "roll-dice": "Roll the Dice!", "roll-dice-66": "Roll d66!", "roll-dice-api": "Roll API Dice!", "roll-empathy": "Empathy Roll", "roll-strength": "Strength Roll", "roll-wits": "Wits Roll", "salary": "Salary copper/day", "scouting": "Scouting", "selected": "Selected", "settings": "Settings", "sheet-version-announcements": "Sheet version and announcements", "shield": "Shield", "shield-bonus": "Record the shield's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice) @{shield1_bonus}", "shield-bonus-max": "Record the shield's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{shield1_bonus_max}", "shield-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{shield1_bonus_misc}", "shield-bonus-total": "Total BASE, GEAR, and SKILL dice included for Parry|Shove. @{shield1_bonus_total}", "shield-u": "SHIELD", "short": "Short", "shove": "Shove", "show-hide": "show/hide", "silver": "Silver", "skill": "Skill", "skill-dice": "Skill Dice", "skill-level": "Skill Level", "skill-u": "SKILLS", "skills-list": "animal-handling,crafting,endurance,healing,insight,lore,manipulation,marksmanship,melee,might,move,performance,scouting,sleight-of-hand,stealth,survival", "sleepy": "Sleepy", "sleight-of-hand": "Sleight of Hand", "sort-skills": "Sort Skills by Attribute:", "sort-stockpile": "Sort Stockpile resources alphabetically:", "spell": "Spell", "spell-name": "Spell's name", "spell-u": "SPELLS", "stealth": "Stealth", "stockpile-list": "iron-ore,fur,flour,iron,leather,grain,silver,cloth,meat,gold,wool,fish,stone,food,vegetables,glass,bread,tallow,wood,water,herbs", "stockpile-u": "STOCKPILE", "stone": "Stone", "strength": "Strength", "strength-abbr": "Str", "strength-abbr-u": "STR", "stronghold": "Stronghold", "stronghold-notes-u": "STRONGHOLD NOTES", "stronghold-u": "STRONGHOLD", "success": "Success", "success-1": "1 Success", "success-2": "2 Successes", "success-3": "3 Successes", "success-4": "4 Successes", "survival": "Survival", "talent-u": "TALENTS", "tallow": "Tallow", "thirsty": "Thirsty", "time-limit": "Time Limit", "tiny-abbr": "T", "torches": "Torches", "total": "Total", "total-abbr": "Tot", "two-hand-abbr": "2H", "type": "Type", "type-name": "Type/Name", "units": "Units", "update-dice-pool": "Update the dice pool. Use the 'Roll' button to roll the dice.", "vegetables": "Vegetables", "version-announcements": "Sheet version and announcements", "water": "Water", "weapon": "Weapon", "weapon-bonus": "Record the weapon's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice). @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus}", "weapon-bonus-max": "Record the weapon's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus_max}", "weapon-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts GEAR dice). @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus_misc}", "weapon-bonus-total": "Total GEAR dice included with the attack. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus_total}", "weapon-damage": "Damage as per weapon tables. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_damage}", "weapon-damage-misc": "Miscellaneous damage modifier. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_damage_misc}", "weapon-damage-total": "Total damage included with the attack. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_damage_total}", "weapon-skill-misc": "Miscellaneous attack modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_skill_misc}", "weapon-skill-total": "Total SKILL dice included with the attack. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_skill_total}", "weapon-type-base": "BASE dice as per weapon/skill type. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_base_total}", "weapon-type-skill": "SKILL dice as per weapon/skill type. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_skill_value}", "weapon-u": "WEAPONS", "weapons": "Weapons", "weight-abbr": "Wt", "whisper-macro": "Whisper roll?", "whisper-nothing": "Do not whisper rolls(default).", "whisper-options": "Whisper Options:", "whisper-options-api": "API Whisper Options:", "whisper-query": "Use a query.", "whisper-rolls": "Whisper all rolls to the GM.", "willpower": "Willpower", "willpower-abbr": "Will", "willpower-spent-abbr": "WP Spent", "willpower-total-abbr": "Total WP", "willpower-u": "WILLPOWER", "wits": "Wits", "wits-abbr": "Wit", "wood": "Wood", "wool": "Wool", "yes": "Yes", "yes-1": "Yes,-1", "young-1": "Young" } en.json (OUTDATED VALUES ARE UNDERLINED) { "adult-2": "Adult +1", "age": "Age", "agility": "Agility", "agility-abbr": " [agl]", "agility-abbr-u": "AGI", "animal-handling": "Animal Handling", "api-dice": "api dice", "api-dice-title": "Use API Dice Roller. (API is a Pro feature) 'Forbidden Lands Year-Zero Die Roller' script must be installed.", "appearance-u": "APPEARANCE", "armor": "Armor", "armor-helmet": "ARMOR/HELMET", "armor-rating": "Armor Rating", "armor-rating-abbr": "AR", "armor-rating-total": "Total GEAR dice included for armor1 + armor2. @{ar}", "armor-rating-u": "ARMOR RATING", "armor-roll": "Armor Roll", "armor-type": "Armor Type", "armor1-bonus": "Record the armor's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice). @{armor1_bonus}", "armor1-bonus-max": "Record the armor's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{armor1_bonus_max}", "armor1-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{armor1_damage}", "armor1-bonus-total": "Total GEAR and SKILL dice included for armor1. @{armor1_ar}", "armor2-bonus": "Record the armor's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice). @{armor2_bonus}", "armor2-bonus-max": "Record the armor's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{armor2_bonus_max}", "armor2-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{armor2_damage}", "armor2-bonus-total": "Total GEAR and SKILL dice included for armor2. @{armor2_ar}", "arms-length-abbr": "Arm's L.", "arrows": "Arrows", "artifact": "Artifact", "artifact-bonus": "Artifact Bonus", "attack": "Attack", "attack-abbrv": "Attk", "attr-abbr": "Attr", "attribute-score": "Attribute Score", "attribute-u": "ATTRIBUTES", "bane": "Bane", "base": "Base", "base-attr-abbr": "Base/Attr", "base-attribute-dice": "Base/Attribute Dice", "base-dice": "Base Dice", "beasts-u": "BEASTS", "body": "Body", "bonus": "Bonus", "bonus-abbr": "Bon", "bread": "Bread", "carried": "Carried", "carried-abbr": "Carr", "carry": "Carry", "character": "Character", "clear-dice-pool": "Clear Dice Pool", "close": "[close]", "close-announcements": "Close Announcements", "cloth": "Cloth", "clothing": "Clothing", "coins-carried": "Coins Carried", "coins-u": "COINS", "cold": "Cold", "condition-cold": "When the cold is bitter and you don’t have enough shelter, you have to roll ENDURANCE regularly. @{cold}", "condition-hungry": "You must eat a ration of food at least once every day. After a day without food, you become HUNGRY. @{hungry}", "condition-sleepy": "You need to sleep for at least one Quarter Day of each day. After one day without sleep, you become SLEEPY. @{sleepy}", "condition-thirsty": "You must drink a ration of water at least once per day. After a day without water, you become THIRSTY. @{thirsty}", "condition-u": "CONDITIONS", "consumable": "Consumable", "consumable-note": "**note:** be sure to manually reduce the consumable die on the sheet if you roll bane.", "consumable-u": "CONSUMABLES", "copper": "Copper", "crafting": "Crafting", "crafting-monster": "Crafting", "critical-injuries": "Critical Injuries", "critical-u": "CRITICAL INJURIES", "current": "Current", "current-preset": "Current Preset", "custom-roll": "Custom Roll", "d66-roll": "D66 Roll", "damage": "Damage", "damage-abbr": "Dmg", "dark-secret": "Dark Secret", "defense-rating": "Defense Rating", "description": "Description", "dice-only": "Dice Only", "dice-pool": "Dice Pool", "dice-pool-u": "DICE POOL", "die": "Die", "die-10": "d10", "die-10-u": "D10", "die-12": "d12", "die-12-u": "D12", "die-6": "d6", "die-6-u": "D6", "die-66": "d66", "die-66-u": "D66", "die-8": "d8", "die-8-u": "D8", "distant": "Distant", "dmg-abbr": "Dmg", "don": "Don", "duration": "Duration", "effects": "Effects", "empathy": "Empathy", "empathy-abbr": " [emp]", "encumbrance": "Encumbrance", "encumbrance-current-abbr": "Current Encum", "endurance": "Endurance", "endurance-monster": "Endurance", "epic": "Epic", "experience-u": "EXPERIENCE", "extra-damage": "Toggle extra damage tracking (25-48)", "face": "Face", "features": "Features", "fish": "Fish", "flour": "Flour", "food": "Food", "function-u": "FUNCTIONS", "fur": "Fur", "gea-u": "GEAR", "gear": "Gear", "gear-bonus": "Gear Bonus", "gear-dice": "Gear Dice", "gear-notes": "Gear/Notes", "gear-weight": "Gear Weight", "general-abbrv": "Gen", "glass": "Glass", "gold": "Gold", "grain": "Grain", "grip": "Grip", "healing": "Healing", "healing-time": "Healing Time", "heavy-abbr": "H", "herbs": "Herbs", "hirelings-u": "HIRELINGS", "hungry": "Hungry", "ingredients": "Ingredients", "injury": "Injury", "insight": "Insight", "iron": "Iron", "iron-ore": "Iron Ore", "item": "Item", "kin": "Kin", "latest-announcements": "Latest Announcements", "leather": "Leather", "legendary": "Legendary", "lethal": "Lethal", "light-abbr": "L", "location": "Location", "logo-forbidden-lands": "FORBIDDEN LANDS", "long": "Long", "lore": "Lore", "lvl-abbr": "Lvl", "manipulation": "Manipulation", "marksmanship": "Marksmanship", "marksmanship-abbr": "Marks.", "max-abbr": "Max", "meat": "Meat", "melee": "Melee", "melee-monster": "Melee", "might": "Might", "might-monster": "Might", "mighty": "Mighty", "misc-abbr": "Misc", "misc-gear-abbr": "Misc Gear", "misc-skill-abbr": "Misc Skill", "monster": "Monster", "monster-attack": "Monster Attack", "monster-attacks-u": "MONSTER ATTACKS", "monster-name": "Monster's Name/Type", "moun-u": "MOUNT", "mount": "Mount's Gear", "mounted": "Mounted", "mounts-gear": "Mount's Gear", "move": "Move", "move-type": "Move Type", "movement": "Movement", "name": "Name", "near": "Near", "no": "No", "no-damage": "No Damage", "no-willpower": "No Willpower", "normal-abbr": "N", "not-applicable-abbr": "n/a", "note-description": "Note's description", "note-name": "Note's name", "notes": "Notes", "notes-text": "notes...", "notes-u": "NOTES", "number-abbr": "Num", "of-arrows": "of Arrows", "of-food": "of Food", "of-torches": "of Torches", "of-water": "of Water", "old-3": "Old +2", "old-announcements": "Old Announcements", "older": "[older]", "on-mount": "On Mount", "one-hand-abbr": "1H", "other": "Other", "out-of-arrows": "Out of Arrows", "out-of-food": "Out of Food", "out-of-torches": "Out of Torches", "out-of-water": "Out of Water", "pack-rat": "Pack Rat Talent?", "pack-rat-title": "You can carry additional items.", "parry": "Parry", "pc-name": "PC's name", "performance": "Performance", "personal": "Personal", "pride": "Pride", "pride-roll": "Pride Roll", "production-outcome": "Production/Outcome", "profession": "Profession", "profession-abbrv": "Prof", "push": " Push ", "push-dice": "Push the Dice!", "push-query": "Is the Dice Pool correct...? (hint:remove successes and bane) |Yes - Submit to Roll.,Dice Pool is correct.|No - Cancel.,Dice Pool needs to be corrected.", "pushes-the-roll": "Pushes the Roll", "quantity-abbr": "Qty", "range": "Range", "ranged": "Ranged", "rank": "Rank", "rank-1-pack-rat": "Rank 1 (+2)", "rank-2-pack-rat": "Rank 2 (+5)", "rank-3-pack-rat": "Rank 3 (+10)", "rating": "Rating", "rating-abbr": "Rat", "relationship-description": "Describe the relationship.", "relationships-u": "RELATIONSHIPS", "reputation": "Reputation", "reputation-bonus": "How well known are you? @{reputation}", "reputation-roll": "Reputation Roll", "reset-dice": "Reset dice pool.", "roll": " Roll ", "roll-agility": "Agility Roll", "roll-dice": "Roll the Dice!", "roll-dice-66": "Roll d66!", "roll-dice-api": "Roll API Dice!", "roll-empathy": "Empathy Roll", "roll-strength": "Strength Roll", "roll-wits": "Wits Roll", "salary": "Salary", "scouting": "Scouting", "selected": "Selected", "settings": "Settings", "sheet-version-announcements": "Sheet version and announcements", "shield": "Shield", "shield-bonus": "Record the shield's CURRENT bonus up to MAX (adjusts GEAR dice) @{shield1_bonus}", "shield-bonus-max": "Record the shield's UNDAMAGED bonus. @{shield1_bonus_max}", "shield-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts GEAR dice). @{shield1_bonus_misc}", "shield-bonus-total": "Total GEAR dice included for Parry|Shove. @{shield1_bonus_total}", "shield-u": "SHIELD", "short": "Short", "shove": "Shove", "show-hide": "show/hide", "silver": "Silver", "skill": "Skill", "skill-dice": "Skill Dice", "skill-level": "Skill Level", "skill-u": "SKILLS", "skills-list": "animal-handling, crafting, endurance, healing, insight, lore, manipulation, marksmanship, melee, might, move, performance, scouting, sleight-of-hand, stealth, survival", "sleepy": "Sleepy", "sleight-of-hand": "Sleight of Hand", "sort-skills": "Sort Skills by Attribute:", "sort-stockpile": "Sort Stockpile resources alphabetically:", "spell": "Spell", "spell-name": "Spell's name", "spell-u": "SPELLS", "stealth": "Stealth", "stockpile-list": "iron-ore,fur,flour,iron,leather,grain,silver,cloth,meat,gold,wool,fish,stone,food,vegetables,glass,bread,tallow,wood,water,herbs", "stockpile-u": "STOCKPILE", "stone": "Stone", "strength": "Strength", "strength-abbr": " [str]", "strength-abbr-u": "STR", "stronghold": "Stronghold", "stronghold-notes-u": "STRONGHOLD NOTES", "stronghold-u": "STRONGHOLD", "success": "Success", "success-1": "1 Success", "success-2": "2 Successes", "success-3": "3 Successes", "success-4": "4 Successes", "survival": "Survival", "talent-u": "TALENTS", "tallow": "Tallow", "thirsty": "Thirsty", "time-limit": "Time Limit", "tiny-abbr": "T", "torches": "Torches", "total": "Total", "total-abbr": "Tot", "two-hand-abbr": "2H", "type": "Type", "type-name": "Type/Name", "units": "Units", "update-dice-pool": "Update Dice Pool", "vegetables": "Vegetables", "version-announcements": "Sheet version and announcements", "water": "Water", "weapon": "Weapon", "weapon-bonus": "Record the weapon's current bonus. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus}", "weapon-bonus-max": "Record the weapon's undamaged bonus. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus|max}", "weapon-bonus-misc": "Miscellaneous bonus modifier (adjusts GEAR dice). @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus_misc}", "weapon-bonus-total": "Total GEAR dice included with the attack. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_bonus_total}", "weapon-damage": "Damage as per weapon tables. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_damage}", "weapon-damage-misc": "Miscellaneous damage modifier. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_damage_misc}", "weapon-damage-total": "Total damage included with the attack. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_damage_total}", "weapon-skill-misc": "Miscellaneous attack modifier (adjusts SKILL dice). @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_skill_misc}", "weapon-skill-total": "Total SKILL dice included with the attack. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_skill_total}", "weapon-type-base": "BASE dice as per weapon/skill type. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_base_total}", "weapon-type-skill": "SKILL dice as per weapon/skill type. @{repeating_weapons_$X_weapon_skill_value}", "weapon-u": "WEAPONS", "weapons": "Weapons", "weight-abbr": "Wt", "whisper-macro": "Whisper roll?", "whisper-nothing": "Do not whisper rolls(default).", "whisper-options": "Whisper Options:", "whisper-options-api": "API Whisper Options:", "whisper-query": "Use a query.", "whisper-rolls": "Whisper all rolls to the GM.", "willpower": "Willpower", "willpower-abbr": "Will", "willpower-spent-abbr": "WP Spent", "willpower-total-abbr": "Total WP", "willpower-u": "WILLPOWER", "wits": "Wits", "wits-abbr": " [wit]", "wood": "Wood", "wool": "Wool", "yes": "Yes", "yes-1": "Yes,-1", "young-1": "Young +0" }