Hi! to everyone, i need to report a problem.
Problem with Gif and Webm archives.
I'm trying to upload files in this format, between 3 - 9.8 mb. The problem is that to upload just 1 file, it takes several hours (it's a bit incomprehensible). When uploading, it appears in recent uploads, but when dragging them to the screen they don't load. In fact, later on the top bar of the DM and Players, it appears in the thumbnail of the page, but when loading that page, it appears empty as if there was no map.
The loading times for uploading these types of files are desperate.
Also, I have another strange problem. The upload bar never advances.....it always comes out in gray, and it doesn't advance. Even so the files type jgp, png... are loaded correctly after a time not so high as the gif or webm. (It is not a serious problem the truth, but I communicate it in case to some person it happens to him the same thing)
Thx in advance.