Hey fam,
I also had issue; however, oddly I somehow just got it to work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unchecking everything then re-checking all the things. And now it's working as expected.
I'm a Pro Subscriber. I've been fiddling with the fancy new dynamic lighting stuffs. Anywho's, today I had noticed that hitting ctl L was sending me to the address bar. Windows 10 Pro, Firefox Latest Version.
I went into the lighting settings of the token and the map page, unchecked, re-checked, and now it's working correctly. I can hit ctrl L to see what the token sees, it shows the lighted up area and darkness beyond that and doors / walls block the vision as expected. Not sure if that helps anyone.
Map Settings =
New Dynamic Lighting and Explorer Mode
Token Settings =
Everything set in Advanced Tab.
Emits light 60' 60' 360. All Players see light is checked. Has sight is checked, angle 360 multiplier 1. advanced fog of war 60'.
Dynamic Lighting Updated Tab.
Vision On
Night Vision On and set to 60'
I'm fairly certain I'm not supposed to have every single thing like that checked; buuuuuuut it works sooooo there's that. high five! hope this helps! :)