"Yes. I spent much of my youth speaking to my father's lands, bequeathing my own energy to the fields so that they would produce more. I can coax things from the earth and sky in ways others cannot." Alric lifts his head to the sky and notices a flock of sparrows flying by. "See these birds? Flying from the earth? Teasing those of us trapped on the ground with their wings?" Alric waits to see if the farmer follows his gaze. "To prove my abilities, I will remind them of the stress we - you and I - feel while toiling away at the earth -- stress that I can ease from your shoulders in exchange for food, clothing, or a means of defense, as we don't intend to stay here long..."
Alric kneels down and assessing the distance of the sparrows from the earth. Using both hands, he draws two, three, four concentric circles with a dot in the center. Muttering a few muffled phrases, he assesses again where the sparrows are headed, and drags his finger from the dot, breaks past the outlines of the traced circles, and swings his arm up into the sky as if throwing an invisible net pulled from the dirt into the air. Still flying, the sparrows hit some sort of unseen force, bouncing backward and attempting to reorient their position. Despite their flapping, the animals flutter down towards the earth. Once safely on their feet, a few try to jump back up into the sky but seem lost as soon as their feet leave the ground. The birds, it seems, have returned to the earth as Alric promised.
Alric looks to the farmer with a serious look. "Do you find the three of us have abilities worth bargaining for?" The birds continue walking around the earth, pecking at the earth and waiting for the effects of the magic to wear away.