Veln ap Mawr A son of simple ceorls that grew frail, burdened by old gifts "I yearn to stand by the rest of my kin." Ceorl Saint Lv 1 (0 Glories) Attributes STR: 8 DEX : 10 CON : 9 INT : 10 WIS : 14 (+1) CHA : 13 AC: 15 HP: 6/6 Initiative: 1d8 Holiness: 2 Physical Save: 15 Mental Save: 14 Evasion Save: 15 Sorcery: 0 Glories Get Glory if you aid a true hero in an adventure of worthy and honorable purpose. Get Glory if you shield another from a powerful foe who has twice as many hit dice or levels as you possess, provided you do so with no more than a half-dozen companions  with you at the time. This deed counts only once during any given adventure. Get Glory if you risk danger to help the weak, or spend at least a third of your wealth in successfully upholding the desperate or aiding those who have no power to repay you or profit you in fit measure to your labors. Suffer Shame if you deny to feast with your Gift, or flinch to pay the price in the fullest. All feasts should be consumed, leaving no crumb behind. Blood for blood, eye for an eye, claw for claw. It should never be denied. Suffer Shame if you flee from a fight in shame abandoning your allies in peril. All men hate and despise a betrayer of their own, as it is the most terrible of crimes. Suffer Shame if you break your oath, or swear falsely, or clearly fail to do a thing you said you would do. Such empty boasting makes your word worthless in the eyes of men. Skills Pray-0: Toil-0: Exert-0: Connect-0: Notice-0: Heal-0: Wyrds     Noble False words do not deceive me I keep my oaths.     Ignoble I pray to the old pagan gods. Foci Healer's Hand : You are a leech of skill and cunning, wise in ways to snatch the lives of men from the grave-grasp. Level 1: Gain Heal as a bonus skill. Roll 3d6 for all Heal skill checks, dropping the lowest die. Once per day per target, tend a person's wounds for five minutes, restoring 1d6 hit points for every two character levels you possess, rounded up. Mirracles Spare the Fallen Friend : The Saint prays fiercely for God to spare the life of an ally who has fallen. When invoked over a Mortally Wounded ally who is within 30 feet, the target immediately stabilizes and will rise at the end of the scene with 1d10 hit points healed plus the Saint’s Pray skill level. If this miracle is invoked in the same scene in which the friend was struck down, there is no risk of a Scar from his wounds. This miracle is no help if his friend has been slain in some wholly final fashion, such as being beheaded, torn to pieces, or burnt to cinders. Turn Sinner : A stern word of chiding and instruction abashes the sinful and wicked who hear it. When this miracle is invoked, roll 2d6 and add the Pray skill level. That many hit dice of human beings chosen by you who can hear you will be made abashed and fearful of the Saint’s anger. They will not attack him or his companions unless attacked first and will depart from the Saint unless compelled to stay by bonds of loyalty or duty. A target can only be affected by this miracle if they have equal or fewer hit dice than the Saint has levels. This miracle does not work once the battle has begun and it may be performed only once per scene. Backstory Veln ap Mawr is born in Glywysing, in a family of simple ceorls. Much to the sadness of his father, Veln grew up slowly, a sickly and weak child too sensitive to the world and its cruelty. His father tried to instill bravery in him but Veln failed to stand up when fallen and eventually the old man gave up. With burdened heart, he passed to his son the trade of his land and the simple of toils, and Veln felt home though he knew he was unloved. He made friends not among people for people held spite for his flaws but with the simple animal stock. Where men came to meet his father and they brought their sons to play in the dirt, he would rather hide and run away from home until late by dusk he would come back and his father would look at him with saddened eyes and say nothing. One day, tending to sheep near local oakwoods Veln noticed the presence of a hunting wolf beast who preyed after his stock. Veln was afraid and his first thought was to flee but he couldn't bear the loss of the animals and the hunger he would pass on his family. Instead, he mustered the last of his bravery and prayed. In a moment that felt eerie and unexplained he felt the animal's despair and hunger, the need and the instinct that burned inside it - and it was thick and black as tar. Veln touched it and it burned, yet for the first time he was not afraid and he did not falter but pushed harder into the thick mass and pulled. When he woke the animal had left and the flock was there and none were taken, but Veln was the ground wrecking with hunger and rage that wasn't his, and his unquenchable hunger would last for days his family thought him sick. These miracles would happen again, a year later, and would repeat again and again. First as curiosity and a sense of triumph over the impossible, then drawn by an inexplicable need to take away the pain and suffering of others onto himself. Each time, the ills were worse but Veln thought of ways to not trouble others. Yet he was careless and his father somehow found out and though he said nothing, he disapproved of it. At the age of 11, a snake bite took his mother to bed and not even herbs could take the swell down. When Veln tried to do the same to her trying to sneak it behind the healer woman, his father spotted him and assaulted Veln beating him unconscious. Veln woke tied in the barn to the news that his mother was dead, and such was the will of the Gods. His father said, whatever curse his son bore it would not tarnish the wyrd of common folk. Veln cried but knew he would not change his father's mind. Veln's life since the death of his mother was a silent existence outside the shadow of his father who rarely spoke more than a word to him. Two years later, Veln's father left to attend a duties court to his lord and did not return. Veln waited for two days until his uncle and his family came to gather him and whatever remaining belongings remained. Veln has led most of his life with his uncle, helping him maintain a trading carriage across several villages in the region. They were trader folk always on the road, and they did not care about his weakness for he had a simple heart that his aunt felt strongly for, and his cousins were older and stronger and also cared for him even if he could not return much favor. Unfortunately, it would end in one moment of cries of warning and neigh of horses, when the carriage was assaulted by armed bandits who slaughtered his family before his eyes. Only one of his cousins and Veln survived due to not raising a blade at their attackers. They were tied and chained, and carried by foot for days, hungry and thirsting, across Usk and Wye to Glouchester, and then passed to another slaver who sorts able men from younger children and lads. Though Veln was too weak to stand equal to the able slaves, the slavers thought him a potential to be a learned slave and they lied he could read or know trades. Inventory