Alric Skilled at connecting nature and man, now bound in chains. "Your fields long for someone to speak with them. I can do so... for a price. " Crafter Adventurer (Galdor / Warrior)  Lv 1 (0 Glories) Attributes Strength            10                             HP:   6   / 6 Dexterity           7                               Initiative:  1d8 - 1  Constitution     15                              Physical Save:   14 [16   - Level (1) - Con (1)] Intelligence      15                            Mental Save:   15  [16 - Level (1) - Wis (0)] Wisdom             8                             Evasion Save:   14 [16 - Level (1) - Int (1)] Charisma         8                              Sorcery: 1 (Partial Galdorman)                                                       To Hit: +1 Skills [BG] Craft : 0  [CC] Talk: 0  [CC] Toil: 0 [CC] Gift: 0 [$0] Ken: 0 [FO] Hunt: 0 [FO] Spear: 0 Magic: 0 The Adventurer (Details) Partial Galdorman Partial Warrior You gain magic-0 as a bonus skill Your Sorcery score is the same as a full Galdorman, less one, to a minimum of one point.  You pick half the starting spells as a full Galdorman, rounded up 2 spells @ partial Galdorman 1st level ( [2+0+1]/2 = 1.5 ) You cast spells at your full character level, but you will never learn the most powerful spells as a full Galdorman will. Major arts = 6th level; Never learn Great spells. In place of the full Warrior benefit, you gain a bonus to your hit roll equal to half your character level, rounded up.  You add +1 to this bonus at 5th and 10th level, thus giving you a +1 to hit at first level, +4 @ 5th, and +7 @ 10th.  You roll 1d6+2 per level for your hit points and you gain a bonus focus to pick when creating your character.  You do not have a full Warrior's power to avert a blow or ensure a successful hit.   GLORIES SHAMES Galdorman (2) / Warrior (1) Get Glory if you aid a decent spiritual hero in an adventure of worth and honorable purpose, thus demonstrating that your powers may be used for good ends.  Get Glory if you defeat a heathen sorcerer or dru, showing that your arts are a useful defense against the witchery of damnable men. This Glory is also granted if you merely aid your companions in doing so.  Get Glory if you do a might deed or carry out a worthy adventure in service to a lord or to kinsmen or to neighbors.  Galdorman (2) / Warrior (1) Suffer Shame if you give friendship to a heathen sorcerer, or accept teaching from any heathen or heretical sage. Leaning from their abandoned books or relics is no honorable thing, but it is not a Shame.  Suffer Shame if you use your magic to cheat another man, or curse him, or gain unfair advantage on him in honest trade or talk or competition. This Shame does not apply if the man is an open foe of yours whom you might be expected to fight with all your strength. Suffer Shame if you betray your lord or your friends, or forsake them when they need you and you have the power to aid them. All men hate and despise a betrayer of their own, as it is the most terrible of all crimes.  Wyrds     Noble My people love me well.  Hearts are lifted by my words.     Ignoble I speak reckless insults without cause.  Foci (2) Beastbane:  The beasts of fell and forest fear your dreadful hand, for you are a  hunter beyond compare. You have power over all creatures that walk upon  four legs, or swim with fins and scales, or fly with feathered wings, whether  they be fashioned by God or twisted by the arts of Hell. You have no power  over those creatures that walk or think like men, however. Level 1: Gain Hunt  as a bonus skill. Roll all hit and damage rolls twice against beasts, taking the  better result for each. Bringer of Endings:  Your spear sparks red with the sunsets of men. Your  terrible war-tree is a hard thing to flee. Level 1: Gain Spear as a bonus skill.  If your weapon has a Shock value, increase it by one plus one third of your  character level, rounded up. Spells To Dazzle Flying Ones (Main Action / 1 Sorcery / Minor): Useful to quell the power of flying sorcerers as well as other evil winged things, this incantation must be aimed at a visible flying foe. The target must make a Physical saving throw, or else they are blinded and stunned, unable to do anything but land. For the rest of the scene, they can see and act normally only while they are standing on earth or are immersed in water. To Improve the Fields (Six Hours / 0 Sorcery / Minor):  A Galdorman may break curses that have been laid on a field or make ill-growing  land produce better. This ritual can cure twice as many hides of land as the  Galdorman has levels or hit dice. If it is cursed, the Galdorman makes a Mental  saving throw with a bonus equal to his level or hit dice and a penalty equal to the  curse-caster’s hit dice or level; if successful, the curse is broken. If a failure, he  cannot lift this curse with this spell. If the curse is lifted or if the land was never  cursed to begin with, the soil there will grow crops half again as well as any good  farmland for a year and a day thereafter, even if it is sere and unprofitable earth.  This spell is wearisome and can be cast only once a week. Good Christians may  shy from calling upon it, but a man in need may not have such qualms. Backstory:  With Ancestors from across the sea, Alric - a Saxon - is a burly man whose physical disposition deserves more attention than his wit or coordination. His broad physique is a temple to his bright mind - a mind that fosters a constant state of wonder regarding incantations, ancient leanings and improving on more practical methods of living. The youngest of many sons, Alric was trained by his father to defend a nearby hermit Galdorman in exchange for learning the Galdorman's sorcery so he may help his family's yield. During one of these learning sessions, Alric heard the Galdorman speak of a Roman ruin recently discovered by local children. Alric left to explore the ruin and was bagged and captured before finding the location.