I really would like if there where an option where as in the Tokens Settings or in the Game Settings to add or remove more bubbles (Bars) to a token, and if it is possible to reorganize this bubbles arounds the tokens in a circular way for cases where some players will have several bars on their tokens. If this can be done somehow it will be a HUGE change in several games, the reasons: 1-Bars can be linked to attributes of sheets hence they can act like Buff "activator" (this is until Buffs can be activable from outside the sheet). 2-Multiple resources pools in some game/classes/characters. 3-Multiple Types of HP / Temp HP. 4-Keep Tracks on things that often are looked obver in the heat of the roleplay. 5-Bars can be linked to attributes of sheets hence they can act like Buff
"activator" (this is until Buffs can be activable from outside the
sheet). 6-Remove annoying bars that are not being used in some cases. 7-And i am sure that roll20 user will found more uses and a lot more. At least for me the most importants points for my games is point 2 and 5, Roll20 really need a way to activate buff outside the sheet but if it isn't done yet is because the dev have problems with it and is totally fine, this in my opinion could be really nice way to change attributes in game in a fast way.