Hi all :) apologies if I missed anything, poking around the forum, to check if this idea was already raised, found a closed suggestion thread from 4 years ago: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/3128994/allow-players-to-view-multiple-maps" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/3128994/allow-players-to-view-multiple-maps</a> Morgan, allow me to C&P your original text and re-phrase it with some more examples :) ************* UPDATE ************* POSSIBLE INTEGRATION: Maybe as an additional Icon like the icons(i.e. Archive / Settings / Delete) appearing when GM hovers over maps with the mouse. Would be quick and easy :-) If player wants to com back to the current main map, they just need to select the map with the player ribbon on it. GM would get some sort of option to force all players back onto the Ribbon marked map. POTENTIAL FEATURES & BENEFITS: 1.) Allowing players to re-visit world or town maps even while exploring a dungeon or other map-centric area. This way each player can zoom in and out as they like, to double-check things(e.g. names, specific buildings, etc.) on already discovered areas of dungeon levels, overland maps, etc. IMO Journal entries would not work, as they typically shows the full area, displaying all GM relevant hints. 2.) Allowing characters to reference back to previous locations in a dungeon or other large structure without GM intervention , not disrupting game experience for the other players. 3.) Players are not allowed to move their tokens for the and back, it is just to view and zoom in already explored areas of other GM pre-approved maps 4.) NPC interaction, player could quickly check on referenced maps, check for or notes written there by the group, or add some new notes on the map/landingpage/homebase. 5.) This would be also useful for players when the GM is offline, or currently not available 6.) GM do not need API access, adding to the overall roll20 experience Thanks!