Looking for players to run some PF AP's this Summer and beyond. Day is negotiable. Once we have 4+ players we'll poll to see what day is best for everyone.
Can start this week:
Hell's Rebels https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/227909/pf1ap-hells-rebels-need2more
Hell's Vengeance https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/226971/pf1ap-hells-vengeance-g04
Iron Gods https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/228436/pf1ap-iron-gods-g05
Strange Aeons https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/228439/pf1ap-strange-aeons-g06
Carrion Crown https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/229165/pf1ap-carrion-crown-g03
Willing to buy the pdfs and run any of the others Crimson Throne & later if I get a group of 5-6 that have a particular AP in mind. Fee is 15$ per session via Paypal. I've loved every PFAP I've run so far, happy to run them again or setup a new one. Weekly, biweekly, or monthly are all fine for requested APs.
If interested, please post here with your weekly availability and APs you're interested in. Or post your character concept on the above LFG listings. Looking forward to meeting new players this Summer.
Me: Veteran GM of Rolemaster, D&D3.5, PF1, and learning 5E to run paid games this Summer while I'm not teaching. Quarantine is good for nerd-stuff!