i’m interested in running the Wild Sheep Chase one shot. Has anyone produced any maps, tokens or assets that might be available for re-use?
i’m interested in running the Wild Sheep Chase one shot. Has anyone produced any maps, tokens or assets that might be available for re-use?
I can help you locate assets in Roll20 Marketplace as I am deeply familiar with the offerings available.
However I don't know this one-shot. Can you tell me more about it? What gaming system, 5e or unique game itself? Tokens and maps desired to be isometric, top-down, or side-scroller, or front-facing? More cute, or more bloody? Last, what creatures-tokens do you specifically need? Is it a herd of different sheep, or... regular fantasy adventurers, space theme, gangster genre, or somethin else?
Alright, I googled it.
Wild Sheep Chase is a free-PDF one-shot adventure for D&D 5E, 4th level range.
It looks ripe (easy) for Roll20 Marketplace Module implementation, but has not been published there yet, so NO there is not a module to buy for installing this totally-set up in Roll20. It would be fun to set up because of the Polymorphing, which could be set on Rollable Table Tokens, if someone implements this game.
Here is a Roll20 DM who has ran at least 4 one-shots of Wild Sheep Chase in Roll20 LFG in the past year:
Contact bast and ask him for tips,
I discovered that using the Google also. Search term: "wild sheep chase" roll20.
Now we get down to the Marketplace art packs of Roll20, and the map(s) for this.
The main map you need, is in the PDF. It is a format that you can screenshot or upload the PDF and select that map page, into Roll20. You should be good on the map. There are TONS of map packs for sale in Roll20 that can easily stand-in for the battlemap, which is a section of road and field and forest, with a wagon. Use a field map-pack from Gabriel P in the marketplace if you want to buy a Roll20 pre-sized one. Buy it as an "ADD ON" (a type of roll20 market product) and it will set up the Map Page for you which is nice.
Tokens. The tokens needed for this adventure are not assembled together in any 1 pack. You need a variety of NPC tokens (looks like at least 3 NPC people), and can easily use Free tokens for those people.
You need a wyrmling. That's easy to buy on Roll20, search that monster name or just wyrm.
You need a wand, a sheep, a scroll. Those are available, independently of each other. You need some of the polymorph shapes, those again could be found in 1 or more art packs, or sought one-by-one and collected from internets.
Good luck and happy adventuring!
LMK if there is a specific shape or expression of sheep, or other token, that you're still looking for.
I think it would take me about 2-4-6 hours to build this adventure out on a Roll20 table. Might be available if someone asks for help in that area.