Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am Denathil "The Mutt" Verasi, and am please to greet you warmly! My friends and I recently picked up 4e again after a brief dabbling in it about a year ago or so before schedules became an issue. I am currently designing two campaigns, one being my actual campaign that I will not be hosting until at least two more floors are complete. But the one I am speaking about today is what is more "fun" at times. Are you new to 4e? Great, new players mean a bigger community, bigger community makes for more games, more games make for more fun! So you've got the books at least? That's all I really require. It is one thing for me to hand you a character and say "this is what you do, just do it" but then you're easily manipulated by the DM and at times I might feel evil enough to... mislead you. That said I enjoy going over the details of making a PC(Player Character) and intend with this particular campaign to spend at least twenty minutes doing just that. Following that will be a brief summation of the "Campaign" (IE why the hell you are at X location) and then will get right into the meat of trying to kill off your beloved cha-... uh... get into the meat of the plot! Yeah... that. When? The probable time is hours like this as I have a hard time sleeping, so this of course favors fellow insomniacs or people in other time zones. I'm CST if that helps. When one of these is going life I will be posting in THIS topic and the first 5 people to call a slot will have first dibs to play but others are more than welcome to sit in.