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[Beginner Question] Adding Spells to "Attacks & Spellcasting"

Apologies in advance if this is the wrong area to post this, but I'm struggling to figure out how to add one of my prepared spells to the "Attacks & Spellcasting" box. I've tried dragging it from the Compendium tab, but it doesn't take it. Am I doing something wrong? I have the spell prepared in my "Spells" tab on my character sheet but want to have it read for my attacks. Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
What spell is it? Any spell with an attack or damage roll should automatically populate into the Attacks & Spellcasting area. If it doesn't have a roll associated with it you have a few options: This thread is pretty similar to your question : you have a few options. They'll require a bit of work, unless you are in a game with a Pro account & API scripts, then you can use Patrick's suggestion.
The spell is Toll the Dead, which I believe requires a wisdom save from the DM, then rolls a 1d12 (if the monster is injured). Maybe it can't be added if it needs a save by the DM first?

Edited 1590647039
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah, no the reason it doesn't automatically add an attack for this particular spell is that it has a conditional (whether or not the target is missing HP). Whoever added it to compendium must have decided it was too much effort, as this can't be done automatically without API. This should do the trick, if you want a macro for it: @{Bob|wtype}&{template:dmg} {{rname=Toll the Dead}} 0 {{range=60 feet}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1= [[ [[floor((@{Bob|level}+1)/6)+1]]?{Is target missing any HP?|Yes,d12|No,d8}]]}} {{dmg1type=Necrotic}} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=Wisdom}} {{savedesc=}} {{savedc=[[[[(@{Bob|spell_save_dc})]][SAVE]]]}} {{desc=}}  {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Bob|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Bob|charname_output} You can enter the above as a macro in your collections tab or (better idea) on your character sheet under Abilities. Replace all instances of "Bob" with your character name. If you make this an Ability macro you can just remove the name completely and have @{level} Attribute calls. If you only want it in the Attacks & Spellcasting section, you'll want to do the following: - Use the + button to add an attack - Untick the Attack and "Damage2" checkboxes - Tick the Damage checkbox, and paste [[floor((@{level}+1)/6)+1]]?{Is target missing any HP?|Yes,d12|No,d8} into the damage field. Damage type is necrotic. - Tick the Saving Throw checkbox and enter WIS save vs SPELL dc - If you want the spell text, just copy it from the spell entry into the Description field. Also put "No Damage" into the Save Effect field if you wish. You might also want to chuck the range into the description as this would usually show up with the attack roll. - Name it Toll the Dead and see if I messed anything up ^^^ This is assuming 5e
Wow thanks so much!
I just utilize both damage fields, one for the d8, the other for the d12, kind of like some two-handed weapons appear out of the compendium.
If you change any spell in it's output settings from spellcard to attack, it will create an attack in the attacks section as well as change the format which it outputs to chat.
I could be wrong but I swear that spells that required a dc save were on the spell list until a couple weeks ago. One of my players made that comment during our game last week, too.
Nope... lots of spells that require a save come out as spellcard.  You can include text in them that will make them show the DC in the spell description.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I think generally if it has a damage roll it will populate the Attacks & Spellcasting section. The exception here is that it has conditional damage. Maybe they were under time pressure and skipped all spells which would require custom macros? Not sure. They probably should have just used Dakota's solution above and used the "Show spell description with attack" checkbox to make it clear only one of the damage rolls should be used.