So the title kind of explains things. I've been trying to run this game for a while with mixed success. I'll get the basics out of the way here; -Skype voice mandatory. Sorry, I can't work with text. -I would really like players to be familiar with the Golarian/Varisia setting. Experience with Rise of the Runelords is major points. -Normal character building stuff, I prefer a focus on personality, story, and interaction rather then mechanical ability. -Normal game stuff I guess? I'd put point buys and banned classes here, but people always ask anyway. But more than anything, I haven't been DMing for a while so I'm just looking for a cool group of people to finish a campaign with. The kind of player who doesn't throw tantrums or go rules-lawyer. I'm a pretty laid back guy, and don't really want to deal with clashing personalities and all that. As for time, it'll most likely be Saturday evenings (EST). I can do weekdays, but only if there's a massive demand for a change in time. Any questions, send to me in a PM or something.