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Attaching a torch token to a human player D&D

Hey everyone, I've been playing around a lot with the dynamic lighting. I'm running Curse of Strahd session 1 next weekend (Death House). I've essentially set up the humans as blind with visual sight of about 2 feet that others can see, so it will hopefully appear like a glowing aura. That way at least they will be able to see where each other are if they are in the dark and within LOS. I remember seeing a you tube video about attaching a torch token to a characters token, but I cant remember what video that was...everything is a blur to me lol.  Basically I need a torch token that I can drag onto one or two or three party members at the most (its a 5 character party). Can one of you point me in the right direction for the settings of that token and how to attach and unattach it to a character token. Thanks! Mike
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Without the API, it's probably best just to change the light the character is emitting to the light they would be emitting if they were holding a torch. If they pass the torch to someone else, adjust lighting settings accordingly.
I didn't know you needed an API for it. Whats the script I need I'll go pro tomorrow and get it settled before game day. Ive been wanting to go pro lately anyway. MM
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
For general light setting, I'd use Token-mod, though some people prefer Torch. Both of those are available as one-click installs. For specifically making a torch token that you can attach to characters, I'd use Token Condition . Here's a full-featured lighting macro using Token-mod: /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Lighting}} {{description=[Snuff](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_radius|0 light_dimradius|0 light_angle|360) | [Sight](!token-mod --on showname light_hassight light_angle|360) | [Blind](!token-mod --off showname light_hassight light_angle|360) | [Spot](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_hassight|on light_angle|360) | [GM](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|off light_radius|5 light_dimradius|5 light_angle|360) [Moonlight](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|15 light_dimradius|=-15 light_angle|360) | [Starlight](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|7 light_dimradius|=-15 light_angle|360) | [Touch](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|4 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) [Candle](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_angle|360) | [Lamp](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|30 light_dimradius|15 light_angle|360) | [Torch](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 light_angle|360) [Hooded Lantern](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|60 light_dimradius|30 light_angle|360) | [Bullseye Lantern](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|120 light_dimradius|60 light_angle|90) [Darkvision](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|on light_radius|65 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) | [DV90](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|on light_radius|95 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) | [DV120](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|on light_radius|125 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360) |  [*Light*](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 light_angle|360) | [*Daylight*](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|120 light_dimradius|60 light_angle|360) | [*Faerie Fire*](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|1 light_angle|3600 light_dimradius|0 statusmarkers|purple light_angle|360)}}
Thanks Keith I'll give this a shot! expect more questions from me now that I'm pro LOL.