At first, I was thinking it would be simple (isn't this how it always goes?). I am working on a sheet that needs to track more than one style of hand to hand training, which as the character levels has attributes that interact with a lot of buttons. I thought about setting up toggles that would (for instance) switch what macro was being used when you hit an attack button, which would work fine if it wasn't for all the other buttons that would need a toggle. The amount of toggles going that route really wasn't going to be much different than just creating 2 buttons for everything. While that is certainly doable, I'm hoping that isn't really necessary. To fill in some of the details, all the attributes in the primary hand to hand section begin with "hth_", while all the ones in the secondary hand to hand section begin with "hth2_". So there is "hth_strike", "hth_parry", "hth_dodge", "hth2_strike""hth2_parry", "hth2_dodge", as well as another 10 or 11 attributes. Nowhere on the sheet (at the moment) are "strike", "parry", or "dodge" used as attribute names (or any of the other attributes prefixed by hth_). If I create a radio button toggle for "combatskill" that toggled back and forth between a value of 1 or 2, and then created hidden attributes named "strike", "parry", and "dodge" (and the other "bare" attributes needed), would it be possible for a sheetworker to be able to toggle the values of the bare attributes back and forth between the attributes labeled "hth_" and "hth2_"? So if the "combatskill" toggle was on 1, "strike" would have a value of @{hth_strike}, "parry" would have a value of @{hth_parry} and so on. If the toggle was set to 2, "strike" would have a value of @{hth2_strike}, "parry" would have a value of @{hth2_parry}, and so on. If that is possible, what would a sheetworker like that look like? If I can get a grasp on how it works for these few attributes, I could probably add in the rest on my own.