Is there any reason why we can't allow a forum to start that has peoples Kickstarters in it, as long as they relate to table top role playing games? I think it's a great way to get more of that stuff funded and at the same time, give people who are interested in the genre a chance to make a difference in the games that are made. For instance, there is a kickstarter that came up a few days ago where someone is producing a new campaign setting for Pathfinder. It looks great, it's expertly done by professionals that have been working in the actual field for a long time, and by funding the kickstarter you get to effect some of the world itself! I pledge enough money that not only do I get the release book itself when the campaign comes out, but a ton of goodies including being able to create a small part of the world and a character that will be printed in the book and used in future material for the campaign! THATS AWESOME!!! Anyways, I have to be truthful and say that I also have a kickstarter up where I am trying to make Area Of Effect markers that are worth having when doing actual table top play...but I digress. I'll just leave the links below and you decide for yourself if you would like to be told about more of these cool things before they are in the store...if you would like to have a chance to help build the worlds you love to play in. -Levi Clark