Hi guys, First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU for developing system-specific character sheet templates. Trying to custom create a character sheet template is a lot of work! I am prepping to run a 13th Age game, and I noticed a lot of things missing from your current 13th Age character sheet template: One Unique Thing Racial powers/bonuses Class Talents Class Features It is possible to put racial powers and class talents or features in the "powers" section of your current template, but if your goal is to create a template that mimics the existing published character sheet, it would be good to add fields for the things that are missing. I mean, all the other templates look MUCH nicer than the 13th Age template. I would offer to clean it up myself, but I'm new to Roll20 and while I know HTML/CSS I don't know that much about GitHub and I'm not sure I have the time at the moment to figure all that out.