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HOW Does One Make A Landing Page?

The title. I've seen a lot of threads on showcasing people's game splash pages, but nothing on tips or recommendations on how to make them. What programs do you use? Where do you get assets? Please help!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There are some great assets on the marketplace: From Chibbin Grove: Dashing Dashboards 1  -  Dashing Dashboards 2  -  Dashing Dashboards 2 From Gabriel Pickard Table Tops From Richard Tran Scenificant Maps: Theatre of the Mind The sets are downloadable, so you can assemble outside of Roll20 if you prefer, using any image editing software you are comfortable with. Or you can put them together directly on the map. The most difficult thing to decide upon is the size. Roll20 has no way to enforce a zoom or view on a player, so it's up to them to find the view they prefer. I'd make it roughly the same orientation and size as the screen, with an aspect ratio of 23:13. This will handle the most common screen resolution and setup of the Roll20 interface. Set the grid to equal 23w x 13h, and then turn the grid display off, if you prefer, or turn it's opacity down to 0% if you are going to place tokens on it that you want to snap to position. If your page requires no zoom, you can create an image 1610 x 910 pixels, or twice that if someone is using an HD monitor, or you think folks will zoom into sections (maybe to read a campaign synopsis)