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Pathfinder sheet issues and suggestions

June 16 (10 years ago)
Roger A.
Sheet Author
hmm, auto calc hp from con mod for con mod changes..... ok. Makes sense to me now. What about a way to roll your hit die at each level? From what I can tell, your sheet only has the ability to multiply a single number for each class by your level in that class, and add that to what you got from your con mod and other classes.... Am I missing something?
June 16 (10 years ago)

Edited June 16 (10 years ago)
Since Pathfinder is a sane system that understands dice pools are evil, my group just adds any situational modifiers afterwards. It's not hard to remember to add a +2 for flanking or stuff like that to the final roll.

Now, for something like Shadowrun, situational modifiers are a right pain in the ass.

Roger A. said:
hmm, auto calc hp from con mod for con mod changes..... ok. Makes sense to me now. What about a way to roll your hit die at each level? From what I can tell, your sheet only has the ability to multiply a single number for each class by your level in that class, and add that to what you got from your con mod and other classes.... Am I missing something?
Just roll normally and add it to the total, I can't think of any really convenient way to make it do that for you.

If you're not rolling for HP but instead taking averages (round down on even levels, round up on odds, max HP for first character level), you can use to this to calculate HP automatically as you level:

(@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{class-0-hp} + floor((@{class-0-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor(@{class-0-level} / 2) + ceil((@{class-0-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor((@{class-0-level} - 1) / 2) + floor((@{class-1-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor(@{class-1-level} / 2) + ceil((@{class-1-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor((@{class-1-level} + 1) / 2) + floor((@{class-2-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor(@{class-2-level} / 2) + ceil((@{class-2-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor((@{class-2-level} + 1) / 2) + floor((@{class-3-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor(@{class-3-level} / 2) + ceil((@{class-3-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor((@{class-3-level} + 1) / 2) + floor((@{class-4-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor(@{class-4-level} / 2) + ceil((@{class-4-hp} + 1) / 2) * floor((@{class-4-level} + 1) / 2)

Put the HD in the HP column for each class in on the left, and make sure the first class that character takes a level in is on top.

A level 1 barbarian with 10 CON would have 12 HP, at level 2 he'd have 18 HP, and at level 3 he'd have 25 HP. If he then took a class in Fighter (d10) to become a Barbarian 3/Fighter 1, he'd have 31 HP. If he took another yet another level in Fighter, that'd be 36 HP. Pretty easy.

I much prefer this to rolling. It's yet another thing you don't have to explain to your players, it keeps chance from permanently gimping a character (definitely keeps the completionists and perfectionists in the group happy), and I've never had anyone in my group tell me they felt their character was any less unique because of it.

Point buy's pretty fun too, though if minmaxing annoys you too much you can also opt for attribute arrays. Anything to make those damned dice go away in chargen.
June 16 (10 years ago)
Roger A.
Sheet Author
I guess you would have to add like 20 hp input boxes for each level to have it understand adding a new dice roll every level. At least I understand more of the trade-offs made for the sheet now.
June 16 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
Ok so I think what I'm going to do for the next update is just add a select box next to max dex for the source of the max dex. If someone can help me figure out how to cap the dex bonus to AC and make it 0 or below for Flat Footed, that'd be awesome too.

I also think the NPC spells and weapons sections need an overhaul to bring them more in line with the PC side since I'm running into issues with named NPCs. Are there any other critical features I'm missing?
June 16 (10 years ago)
Paul S.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Sam - Until they implement Java or allow somehow the use of {@{attr1},@{attr2},@{attr3}}kl1 then the easiest is ...

<td><select name="attr_ACAbilityMod" title="ACAbilityMod (Always choose the lower value (If Dex Mod is 3 and AC Max Dex is 2, you'd pick AC Max Dex. If Dex Mod is 0 and Encumbrance is heavy - you'd pick Dex Mod)">
<option value="@{DexMod}">Dex Mod</option>
<option value="@{ACMaxDex}">AC Max Dex</option>
<option value="@{ShieldMaxDex}">Shield Max Dex</option>
<option value="3">Medium Encumbered</option>
<option value="1">Heavy Encumbered</option>
June 16 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
That's actually a good idea. Thanks for that.
Is there a way to move/copy the macros to the macro tool bar....
June 17 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
June 17 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
scroll over the macro button, it will have a tooltip with a name, call that name in a character ability in the form %{name} and then set that macro to be on your bar.
for weapons/spells you will have to adjust the macro to call the variables using the full name instead of the short form (e.g. @{reapeating_weapon_X_name} for @{name}) and then call the macro with @{reapeating_weapon_X_macro-text} or @{reapeating_level-X-spells_X_macro-text} respectively.

note: you have to manually substitute in the X's with their proper values, repeating sections entries start at 0.
Ok I've read all the posts regarding the HP's, what I'm confused at is exactly how to use this in the character sheet. (I'm really new to Roll20 so forgive me for not understanding the sheet).

For example a player makes a level one wizard, their HD is 1d6. I'm going to go average with level one being max.. But if I put the total int he box when I level the character to level 2 it just doubles that number with the con score in max hp. This isnt' exactly what I want to do. HOW do I use the character sheet to represent how HP's should be? I'm a free user so dunno if I can manipulate any formula or anything..

June 18 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion
Jenn, below is an example of a character sheet. In the box (outlined in red) is where you put your hitpoints based on class level.

In the example below my ranger is 10th level. I am using the Pathfinder Society average method of determining hps so I do the following:
10 (first level) +6 (PFS average)*9 (levels) = 64
I put that number in the red box. From there the sheet adds in my constitution bonus.

If I were to roll them each level I would still put the total in that box.

I think the thing people are confused with is that the sheet does NOT and cannot roll your hitpoints for you. You need to roll them yourself and then add them to your current level based hitpoints.

From there the sheet adds all the hitpoints from your different classes and adds in any hitpoints from your constitution modifier.

Note: if you have other modifiers (such as toughness or favored class bonus) you will need to add those in manually by either adding them to the class hit point total or adding them to the HP Formula box.

AHHH Ok I see where I was getting confused at, when I clicked the level up to two, it added teh con modifier again, not the base hit points again.. Ok Sorry for the confusion I guess having someone say it out directly to me made it click. Thank you!
Back with another question.

Seems when one of my players character sheets show skills he's put ranks in on my viewing of the character sheet but on his that skill has no rank. We've both quit out and logged back in and the discrepancy was still there. Is this something that is the character sheet or something with the site? How can we resolve this for future updates (I've currently just fixed it on my side). Thankfully the player with this is my husband who is next to me irl, but I want to make sure my other players who will not be in the same room I don't have this issue with them either.

June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
I have no clue what you're asking here
June 18 (10 years ago)

Edited June 18 (10 years ago)
I as the DM see that a character sheet of my player shows ranks put into skills the player did not put ranks into, on his computer when he looks at his character sheet he doesn't see a rank in the skill (for example acrobatics). We noticed this when his skills showed me he was at -2 skills, we went down the list and he had ranks in two skills he did not put ranks in, from my view point he did, from his he did not.

Does that make a bit more sense?
June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
A screenshot would be better.
I'm probably in a minority here, but my main use of Roll20 is as an enhancement utility to my in-the-flesh home game. For that purpose, it would be absolutely awesome if there was an Edit mode and a View mode to the sheet, similar to what there is for the Bio & Info section of journal entries, where what we have now is the Edit mode and the View mode would clean a lot of the under the hood stuff that isn't relevant to actual play away, as well as hide the marcos completely and allow just editing of Temp modifers and Current HP. I reckon that would provide the general benefit of making the sheet a lot smaller for viewing in general.
June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
That's not something I can control. This thread is for issues and suggestions specific to the Pathfinder sheet.
June 18 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Sam said:

That's not something I can control. This thread is for issues and suggestions specific to the Pathfinder sheet.

Well, you probably could create a toggle that hides certain sections and swaps out editable input fields for disabled ones. Not sure whether it'd be worth the effort, though.

June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
There's already too many fields, not counting the infinite number of repeating fields I can't even touch. Doubling the number of fields just to toggle "read mode" isn't something that's gonna happen on my end.

Sam said:

That's not something I can control. This thread is for issues and suggestions specific to the Pathfinder sheet.

Ah my apologies then. Would someone be so kind as to direct me to the place where I am supposed to put this feedback?
June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
There's a Suggestions and Ideas forum for things like that. There's a Character Sheet thread for known issues but that's for bugs.
June 18 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Sam said:

There's already too many fields, not counting the infinite number of repeating fields I can't even touch. Doubling the number of fields just to toggle "read mode" isn't something that's gonna happen on my end.

Your CSS can touch the repeating fields just fine. As I said, it may not be worth your time, but it can certainly be done.

Sam said:

There's a Suggestions and Ideas forum for things like that. There's a Character Sheet thread for known issues but that's for bugs.
Thanks. On a semi-related note, it would be awesome for my use of things if there was an autocalc thing for adding the melee attack bonus and str/dex/whatever damage bonus on the weapons row.

June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
There is though?
Reading that again, it was terribly worded. What I was looking for was a field that displays the total damage bonus and total attack bonus or something of the like.
June 18 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
I might put that in just because the name of the weapon doesn't need to be as big as it is right now. I'm wondering if there's enough interest in the weapon fields being two rows instead of one or if it's fine as is.
Two rows for weapons wouldn't be that bad, and they'd be well worth it if the two rows include useful information or stuff that makes macros go smoother. There's plenty of vertical real estate.

Suggestion: Change Gender and Alignment to simple textboxes. Fantasy settings sometimes have nonstandard sexes, and someone might want to use house rules for alignment. Neither has any possible macro-related functions that rely on the contents being typed out exactly so, as far as I know.

Helmic said:

Two rows for weapons wouldn't be that bad, and they'd be well worth it if the two rows include useful information or stuff that makes macros go smoother. There's plenty of vertical real estate.

Suggestion: Change Gender and Alignment to simple textboxes. Fantasy settings sometimes have nonstandard sexes, and someone might want to use house rules for alignment. Neither has any possible macro-related functions that rely on the contents being typed out exactly so, as far as I know.
This. So very much this.

If I come across the problem again I'll have the player screen shot it and emails me so I can do it here..
June 22 (10 years ago)
Can someone please explain the HP macro to me (@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{total-hp}...... and how this calculates the HP total for the characters in my campaign. and for some reason the player has a static max hp of 3 with this exact formula
June 22 (10 years ago)

Edited June 22 (10 years ago)
Your player has 1 level of 'shaman', multiplied by his con mod of 2, for 2 hit points. He has 1 hit point of 'no class name' which is added, for a max HP of 3.

To correct this issue: Ignore Con modifier; it is auto-calculated by the bonus multiplied by the modifier level, and added to the maxHP calculation.
Enter the HP as this formula, in the column labeled HP: The hit dice of the character, as rolled, with no modification for Con or any other bonus. For example, a fighter (HD: 1d10) of level (3) would get 10hp for the first level (per the rules), plus two dierolls of 1d10, one for each level beyond the first. Assuming they rolled perfectly, that would be 10+10+10, or 30 hit points. This is the number that goes in that spot.

If the character has levels in more than one profession, repeat the process for that class in the next row. If there are feats or other reasons to increase the character's HP (favored class, for example), you can use a row for that as well, simply placing the bonus HP in the same HP column, as needed.

The sheet combines these totals, then adds the con mod, and sets that as the MaxHP field. You will then have to fill in the current HP field manually.

Temp HP and Non-Lethal damage are 100% manual.

June 22 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Thanks for all your time and effort on the PF character sheet. We absolutely love not having to jump back and forth between r20 and myth-weavers anymore.
Question; Is there any chance on making a "Print Sheet" option? My players would like to have a copy of the sheet in-hand while playing as well as for in-between sessions. Thanks again.
June 22 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
That's not something the character sheets were made to do.
June 24 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author

In other news, I'm basically recreating the sheet right now to make it less cluttered by adding tabbed sections for each of the major parts of the sheet. Core stats (ability scores, init, hp, exp), class stats and abilities, defenses, attacks, etc. It'll be ready by next week and hopefully everyone likes it (because it's gonna be awesome).
June 24 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
That's good news Sam. Any chance those tabs would fit within the vertical real-estate for screen shots to help with printing a character sheet? :-)
June 24 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
Yes, there will be a show all button so you can scroll down the whole sheet. Granted, the sheet will look nothing like it used to but hey that's life.
June 24 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
NP Sam. I created a "Statblock" macro for now that pulls all the info from your PF sheet, then I copy from chat and paste into a word processor, tweak a little and print a character sheet from that. Clunky, but it works. Keep up the good fight.
June 26 (10 years ago)
Since you are about to make a new sheet revision can I make a request? Repeating sections are great but with the lack of an option to make repeating field macros in to token macros it would be nice to maybe have a static weapon1 and weapon 2 section and the. Repeating for any weapons beyond that. This way we could make a token macro for the most commonly used weapons of each player. And once again a massive thanks for an awesome sheet :)
June 26 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
Since there will now be room that doesn't sound too bad. Three static weapons, ideally two for melee and one for ranged.
June 27 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
If anyone wants to help me test the sheet you're welcome to do so:
June 30 (10 years ago)

Edited June 30 (10 years ago)
I mention how my group uses the class page because step levels ( mess with how skills and feats are calculated; instead of referring to @{level}, my group would want to replace it with @{class-2-level} or @{class-3-level} since on those lines we put down skill and feat level. So we would want to be able to mess with the formula for those like how we can currently tweak the HP formula.

And yes, the default formula for skills should totally be @{class-0-skills) * {class-0-level) + @{class-1-skills) * {class-1-level) + @{class-2-skills) * {class-2-level) + @{class-3-skills) * {class-3-level) + @{class-4-skills) * {class-4-level) + @{INT-mod} * @{level}.
June 30 (10 years ago)
Just logged in to check that new sheet. Looking awesome indeed. The tabbed sections make it much easier to find what you want in there.
June 30 (10 years ago)

Edited June 30 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion
I like how the new sheet is coming along.
June 30 (10 years ago)
Is it possible to add some additional blank space at the end of the sheet for random notes (lists of names, places, historical events etc?)
June 30 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
Probably not, that's what the character notes and handouts are for.
June 30 (10 years ago)
I'm looking at it from the perspective of a player. It's nice to have a single place to go for all things relevant to my character. Including names of NPC's, places, dates. I don't think I'm able to create a handout for myself.
June 30 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
You should still be able to edit your character's notes section though or ask your GM for a handout for notes. I don't think a notes section in a character sheet is a place to put your campaign notes, especially when there are already places to put them.
July 01 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
@Helmic there's a skills formula field in the skills section now

I also changed the way the attack fields are labeled. If y'all can let me know if that's good enough to be final then I can finish the attacks section soon.
July 01 (10 years ago)
Sam M.
Sheet Author
Just added the character details and spells sections with auto calculated bonus spells, let me know what y'all think.