Solitary bard is standing at the front of the ship, going from Lantan towards Memnon in Calimshan. His eyes are focused on the horizon, impatient to spot a dark line of a solid land. Young paladin of Helm is rushing his horse, moving quickly on the trade route from Athkatla to Memnon. He has an important mission and he cannot fail. Confused sorcerer is standing by the entrance to the cave, where he'd just woke up. While his eyes are searching through the sea of dunes in front of him, his mind is troubled as he has no memory of last day. Actually he has no memory about any day prior to his awaken inside of the cave. Cunning rogue is rushing through the backstreets of the market of Memnon, running away from armed guards of the property that he just robbed of certain object - an odd looking wooden mask, crumbled and weathered, with almost no value according to his knowledge. Payment is Payment - he smiles to himself and dive under the cart which is blocking the path to his freedom. I'm finally here - thinks to himself young cleric while passing through the gates of Memnon. His journey was long and tough, few times dangerous but he has arrived and can now start his mission. Mystra, guide my path - he whispers to himself and turns into the street leading towards Khanduq. We have 1 spot on Monday and Friday. First to come will get it. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Greetings Dear Players! My name is Paul (40 years old with over 20 years of experience in RPG as DM) and Ive prepared a campaign for you, set in the famous Forgotten Realms, which starts at the Sword Coast in the City of Memnon. It is made for 5 players, who will start at lvl 1 and should get to lvl 20 before final confrontation. Campaign should last few months (at least 5) and will take you on unexpected journey to some rarely visited parts of Faerun. If you would like to find out where will you get and how one insignificant decision can influence a situation of entire region and destabilize multiple states sign up and dive into the story. As you have noticed, there are certain character limitations. Mentioned classes are essential to the story but there is still plenty of space for your own inventions and cosmetics (YES MULTICLASSING ALLOWED) We will be playing every Friday starting around 7pm EDT (the time can be adjusted according to individual situation of players, we will discuss time of session specifically once the team will assemble). We will be playing either using D&D5e rules. I am looking forward to your replies! This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of 10$ per session via paypal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment
transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.