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Drag Token to Map Options


Edited 1594699079
Aside from dragging the name from the Journal or the Avatar image from a character sheet - is there any other way to place a new token on the map? Is there anyway to make an image draggable from chat or another area on the character sheet (bio or GM Notes)? Are there any API scripts that will place tokens by token_id? I have a macro/rollable table set up for random monsters. The macro outputs the result with the avatar image and a link to the associated character sheet. I am looking for an easy way to then drag the monster to the map without having to go back to the Journal.  Only way I have gotten it to work is to make the Avatar the token image, which then means I lose the Avatar image. Not the end of the world, but not ideal either.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
The API can only create images in a user library. King's summon script is one you could try.  For completeness, the other 2.5 ways to make tokens: 1) Click the Rollable Table Token Button.  2) Drag cards from a deck. 2.5) with advanced dice on, roll with /r and drag a die to the table. 
Thanks. King's summon script is sooooo close, but it is still placing the Avatar image, not the default token. If I am setting the Avatar to the token, then I can just click drag from the character sheet (as long as I don't put too much in the Bio section!). Pretty sure I investigated this before, but there is no way to simulate pressing the token button on a rollable table via macro, correct? Again, super close, but I think I'd prefer to have more control over the placement, layer, etc.
What I ultimately settled on was to make the Avatar image the token - that way I can play with King's Summon script and drag tokens to the table from the Character Bio & Info sheet. Than I just added a Journal Command Button at the top of the GM Notes area that shows an image of the monster in chat. Functionally this does just about everything I want. Thanks again!

Edited 1594740080
David M.
API Scripter
EDIT-- Cross posted, sorry. Haven't used the !summon script before, but could you create a dummy character sheet "RandomMonster", and assign a rollable table token as default, with sides matching the random monsters in your table. Use !summon to place the token, then call Aaron's TokenMod script to set token facing, represents, layer, bars, size, etc.? Kind of like a druid wildshape solution for the bad guys? EDIT - I use a chat menu for druid wildshape kinda like this: &{template:npcaction} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{rname=Shapeshifter}} {{description=[Revert Humanoid](!token-mod --set currentside|1 width|70 height|70 represents|@{Druid|character_id} bar1_link|hp bar2_link|ac bar3_link|speed name|Druid showname|yes light_radius| light_dimradius| light_angle|360 --off light_otherplayers @{selected|token_id}) [Dire Wolf](!token-mod --set currentside|2 width|140 height|140 represents|@{Dire Wolf(wildshape)|character_id} bar1_link|hp bar2_link|npc_ac bar3_link|npc_speed name|'Druid Dire Wolf' showname|yes light_radius|60 light_dimradius| light_angle|360 --off light_otherplayers @{selected|token_id} !token-mod --set bar1_value|@{selected|bar1|max}) [3rd Form](!token-mod --set currentside|3 width|70 height|70 represents|@{Druid|character_id} bar1_link|hp bar2_link|ac bar3_link|speed name|Druid showname|yes light_radius| light_dimradius| light_angle|360 --off light_otherplayers @{selected|token_id} !token-mod --set bar1_value|@{selected|bar1|max}) }}