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Token Art: Huge, Gargantuan and Colossal Figures (Poll / Advice!)

Fred Lang
Marketplace Creator
I'm breaking down the creatures from the D&D and Pathfinder SRDs (meaning the ones I can make a profit on without infringing on the IP rights of those companies!) into sizes so I can get a handle on how to approach them as a group. I would love---LOVE!!!--to paint the monsters in the Huge, Gargantuan and Colossal size ranges--AT SCALE.  That is, a hyper-detailed, hand-painted, FULL SIZE Ancient Chromatic Red Dragon for Roll20...I mean, cool, right? EXCEPT...that's darned big once you drop it on your map! So here's my question: Would these majestic, very large creatures end up being useful to Roll20 players, or would they suffer from being more of a curiosity instead of a playable, usable virtual miniature?  I'd hate to put in hours to make the most flame-breathing-est, scale accurate version of my Red Dragon example only to see it flop on the Marketplace. Nobody has a crystal ball to look into the future, but I can always ask:  Would YOU want to see a full-sized version of these on your virtual tabletop as a GM or player? Thanks for your responses to these threads, guys and gals.  Great responses so far.  You've been incredibly helpful.
I'd say go for it! (Full disclosure:  I'm running a campaign right now that will eventually involve dragons, so, I'd personally be interested.  My dragons aren't chromatic, though.) Worst case, you'd have really high res tokens that folks could scale down if they were too large, right?
Fred Lang
Marketplace Creator
Forge said: I'd say go for it! (Full disclosure:  I'm running a campaign right now that will eventually involve dragons, so, I'd personally be interested.  My dragons aren't chromatic, though.) Worst case, you'd have really high res tokens that folks could scale down if they were too large, right? Well, I'd do the Chromatics (sounds like a band!), the Metallics (again, a band!) and maybe a Dragon Lich (If that's not copyrighted by someone --hah!)  Also tons of other Huge, Gargantuan and Colossals, like Aboleths, Bulettes, the larger Elementals, the Roc, Remorhaz, etc. etc. etc...! Because of complexity and the niche nature of these larger creatures, I'd probably price them singly, but still...SO MUCH FUN.  I just need to be sure that they're worth the time.  If making yet another pack of 10 Elves makes better use of my time vs. income, then I might be better served with more Elves.   Thanks for the response.  I hope there are more--nothing more confusing than a thread with so many views and so little opinions!  *haha*
Konrad J.
API Scripter
A token that look s great as a colossal will look great large as well so I think they would be very useful.  I'm going to be needing some giants and I can always use dragons!
Fred Lang
Marketplace Creator
Well, there's two yes votes...promising, promising!
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Personally, I love dropping huge tokens on the map and having players freak out ("We have to fight WHAT?!"). So I would be very interested in a set of larger monster tokens. The other advantage of large tokens is zoom. If you have a large token set to a medium or small size it will still hold quality if you set your zoom to 150%, which is something I look for in tokens. Having everything covered in artifacts when you zoom in on the action dampens the atmosphere for me.
Fred Lang
Marketplace Creator
Dylan, I 100% guarantee my Huge, Gargantuan and Colossal figures will be painted at a sufficient size that you'll still be able to see the blood splatter from previous victims on their scales!  *haha*