This is an extension of this thread , but I thought maybe it would be better to start a new one. Various people graciously assisted and the macros that we were trying to create in the original thread now work exactly as intended. That's awesome. Here is the follow up question: Is the trick being used " Reusing Rolls " limited to the Default Template, or is there a way to have it so that it uses the colors/sheet style that come from a specific character sheet? In other words, if the macro produces Result A, is there a way we can use it to use the Style of Result B (which is generated from just clicking on the character sheet built-in roll)? I'm not sure if the Reusing Rolls trick is limited to the default template. Result A: Result B (Character Sheet uses the "Fabric" Sheet Style): Note that the Macro for "Axe Swing" is as follows: &{template:default} [[ [[1d6]] + [[1d6]] + [[1d6]] ]] {{name=Axe Swing}} {{Attack=$[[0]] + $[[1]] + $[[2]]=$[[3]]}} {?{Hit Location|Torso|Skull|Face|Eyes|Neck|Left Arm|Left Leg|Left Hand|Left Foot|Right Arm|Right Leg|Right Hand|Right Foot|Vitals|Groin} {?{Hit Location Penalty|Torso, 0|Skull, -7|Face, -5|Eyes, -9|Neck, -5|Arm, -2|Leg, -2|Hand, -4|Foot, -4|Vitals, -3|Groin, -3}}} {{Location=?{Hit Location}, ?{Hit Location Penalty}}} {{Deceptive=?{Deceptive Attack Level|0}}} {{Other=?{Other Mods|0}}} {{Base Skill=?{Base Skill|14}}} {{Net Skill=[[?{Base Skill}+(?{Hit Location Penalty})+(?{Other Mods})+(?{Deceptive Attack Level})*2]]}} and the Macro for "Dwarven Axe (swing)" that comes up from the GURPS Sheet is: @{Ulf Sigurdson|roll}&{template:skillRoll} {{sheetStyle=@{Ulf Sigurdson|sheetstyle}}} {{type=Melee Attack}} {{activeDefense=[[0]]}} {{isSkillRoll=[[1]]}} {{showHitLabel=[[1]]}} {{characterName=@{Ulf Sigurdson|character_name}}} {{skillName=Dwarven Axe (swing)}} {{rollResult=[[3d6]]}} {{effectiveSkill=[[14 + @{Ulf Sigurdson|modifier}]]}} {{reach=1}} {{notes=}} {{showNotes=[[1]]}} {{useCriticalPlusTen=[[@{Ulf Sigurdson|use_critical_plus_10}]]}}