I'm sure this has been asked before. But Google wasn't able to find the exact answer for me, and I checked the roll20 help center and wiki, and couldn't find it, so here I am. I want to make a monster for my PCs to fight (a Faceless Stalker, for those familiar with Pathfinder). I want it to appear one way, and then I can click it, and change the token to it's natural, more monstrous form. (The creature is a shapechanger, like a Doppelganger from D&D). I know this can be done because years ago I bought the Curse of Strahd roll20 module, and there are werecreatures in that game that have multiple "sides" with one being a human, and another being a hybrid form. And from my memory, you could just click them and change the token when they changed form. I don't want them to have different character sheets or anything; their stats don't change. And I don't think a rollable table is what I want; I don't want any randomness in this. I just have two creatures that I want to have represented as tokens that I can "flip" over when they change form. Is this a big complicated thing I'm looking to do, or easy?