While Dynamic Lighting can be really interesting in some situations, there are other situations where the effects of dynamic lighting can be somewhat distracting. As such our group would like to try using Fog of War without Dynamic Lighting. Ideally we would like to use the Advanced Fog of War which reveals automatically as the character tokens are moved (as opposed to having the GM remove fog manually). The problem that we ran into is that if Advanced Fog of War is being used when Dynamic Lighting is off, the Advanced Fog of War does not respect Dynamic Lighting boundaries. As such when a character token is moved up to a wall or door, the Advanced Fog of War will reveal fog past the wall or door allowing the players to potentially see content beyond. When Dynamic Lighting is turned on, it appears that the Advanced Fog of War respects the Dynamic Lighting boundaries and thus will not reveal fog through walls or doors. Other features, such as the Restrict Movement option, seems to respect the Dynamic Lighting boundaries even when Dynamic Lighting is not used. Would it be possible to make Advanced Fog of War also respect these boundaries regardless if Dynamic Lighting is turned on or off. (Or is this already possible but I have not configured my screen correctly to do so?)