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Help Making a Macro for a Tension Pool

I'd like to try and recreate a Macro for a "Tension Pool" an idea I have gotten from the angry GM. It might turn out to be a script rather then a macro... I would like a button that when pushed adds 1d6 to a "pool" of dice. and sends a message saying a die was added to the pool and how many are in the pool currently. Then another button that will roll all current d6's in the pool, if there is not dice in the pool roll 1d6 and let everyone know if any dice came up as 1. And a final button that will roll all the dice in the pool again letting us know if there are any 1's then empty's the pool of dice. Not sure how to go about making that.
Sheet Author
I would be tempted to just create a character for this.  Create a custom attribute, or use an existing one.  Put a token on the GM layer with one bubble linked to that attribute.  Create an ability (token action) macro on that character (Attributes & Abilities tab) that rolls the number of dice set by that attribute.  Then you can adjust your pool and/or roll the dice from that one token.

Edited 1597100779
ya but that's just adding a lot of extra steps to typing out a macro for /r {[[1d?{D1|6}]],[[1d?{D2|6}]],[[1d?{D3|6}]],[[1d?{D4|6}]],[[1d?{D5|6}]],[[1d?{D6|6}]]}<1 Though it might be a cool trick to still make that character sheet then a macro to add 1 to that attribute with a separate macro that will roll that attribute <1 and a 3rd one that will roll that attribute <1 and set attribute to 0 after. But im not sure if macros can add to a character sheet's attribute.
Sheet Author
I meant you would set the number of dice in a token bubble.  Say you create an attribute named "tension".  Then you create a token for that character with on of the bubbles linked to tension.  So you just adjust the number in the bubble as the tension pool raises or lowers.  Your one ability macro would be something like: /r @{tension}d6 If you are set on having a chat message, I expect you could set up something with either Ammo or TokenMod (and there may be others) to increase the attribute if you really don't want to interact with a token.
I actually found something pretty decent, the API script ChatSetAttr lets me change sheets attributes from chat. Working on on the macro, though that's a pretty good idea for people with non pro memberships that can't use API!

Edited 1597111226
For DM's searching up something like this in the future here is what I did. First install the ChatSetAttr API Make a character with the attributes for w/e die you are using (D6 in the base example) and name the character w/e Create the following Macros: 1: Tension increasing Macro !modattr --name charactername --D6|+1 --fb-public --fb-from 2: Tension Rolling Macro {{r1=[[[[@{charactername|D6}]]d6<1]]}}{{normal=1}} 3: Tension Roll and reset Macro {{r1=[[[[@{charactername|D6}]]d6<1]]}}{{normal=1}} You can mess with those to get fancy such as: @{charactername|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=**Fate Explodes!**}}{{r1=[[[[@{charactername|D6}]]d6<1]]}}{{normal=1}} !setattr --name charactername --D6|0 --fb-public --fb-from And the ChatSetAttr script has a github if you wish to alter the base script, in my case I changed Setting character Attribute to ""There is a change in the air..." to sound more mysterious.
I was quite happy to see someone else on Roll20 using the Angry GM's tension pool!  Just thought I would add that you could bling out that character a tad.  In addition to what you have above, I also created a rollable table with images for an empty wooden bowl, and a bowl with 1-6 dice in it.  I made the rollable table token the tension pool character's default token.  I then used the ChangeTokenImage script within my add and reset macros to increment the rollable table token and eventually reset it to the empty bowl state.  Finally I used the Roll20 Audio master script to make a noise when adding a die to the pool.
I'd think I'd like to try that! Not much of a script writer but I'll give it a go! I can't wait to try it out and have my players ignore it! Lmao XD
I think this is a good idea! Having a graphic that updates with the additional die (preferably with a *clink* sound) would be great. It would reproduce the effect of the GM dropping a die into a bowl that once it either reaches some max limit, or the players do something impulsive, that it gets rolled. I think maybe a multi-sided token could work. Add some macros to the token and you'd probably have it. You would need: 1. Seven images -- empty bowl, then bowl with 1 die, 2 die, etc. -- to make multi-sided token. 2. clinking WAV sound file. 3. macro to add a die 4. macro to remove a die 5. macro to empty and roll contents of the bowl, based on which face is showing.
Managed to to some thing like that so far using ChatSetAtt, and it looks like Matt has done this with images. All that needs adding is the FX sound, to bad it so far requires to scripts to use. My game is using I think 4 or 5 scripts already with dynamic lighting an this is causing my poor internet connection to jug!