SzymonSz said:
One guy from my team will try to create CP2020 character sheet. Do you use original sheets from core rulebook or something new? In our campaign we use modified sheets (eg. no LUCK and TECH, just INT, some new skills).
Pierre S. said:
The standard character sheet from the book should be used, but take note that the sheet was corrected in an errata (it was missing a space (check-box?) for one of the 9 Roles.) Use the modified sheet in Cyberpunk 2020 v. 2.01 sold online and in print.
SzymonSz, Thanks very much for posting and letting me now, and pass my thanks along to your team member. I look forward to seeing his finished product.
Like Pierre said we use the standard 2020 V2.01 sheet. (all standard stats, all standard skills)
However I was wondering how much customization a Roll20 sheet has? As I may wish to add new Roles at a later date. They would all be 2020 official roles that appeared in the other supplements (or all together in the Fan made supplement: Cyberpunk Reference Guide 5.0 by Andrew James. This is sadly no longer available on (although some of his own stuff still is). However if you'd like a copy of CRG 5.0 let me know and I'll link you to my dropbox account so you can copy it.
Please note that CRG 5.0 is not copyrighted product, and is a freely distributed fan made product.