Token-mod is an extremely flexible script that allows all kinds of modifications to token properties. It is available as a 1-click install on your API scripts page.
Start typing "token" in the drop down menu to find it faster. Once you select it, scroll down and click "Add script"
Now, Token-mod can do a lot, so the help is extensive. If you go into your game and type...
!token-mod --help'll get a full description of all the commands. You will probably want to increase the width of your chat window for readability, 'cause it's a lot! The examples in my previous post should get you started on relevant commands.
There are tons of great scripts out there that will make your life much easier.
Some scripts are not on the 1-click and so must be manually installed. To do that, you must find and copy the source code (likely from the github, link below), and then on your api scripts page, click on "New script", paste the code, give it a name in the Name field, then scroll down to "Save Script". If it installs properly, you will see stuff happening in your black "API Output Console" and no big pink error messages will show up. If you get a pink error message, that means your API sandbox has crashed and must be restarted. No scripts will work when the sandbox is crashed. If it happened when saving a script, that means the script has errors (maybe you missed some characters during copy/paste). Those will have to be corrected before your sandbox can be restarted. If you are in your game and all of a sudden your scripts stop working, open a window to your api scripts page and click the button to re-start the sandbox.
Here's a bunch of scripts on the Roll20 github that can be manually installed:
Some of these are also on the 1-click, so that is the preferred method as they will get auto-updated with newest versions. These are all user-contributed. If you see some that sound interesting, I'd suggest searching the forums for some more info about them, and then click on the script folder and locate the file that ends in ".js". Click on that to access the code and continue manually installing as described above.
Have fun!