If I'm the only user logged in I'm able to use and manipulate the map, tokens, and other VTT elements with relative ease. There's a little bit of lag at times, but it's bearable. Once I have other players on the table, though, everything grinds to a halt. Dragging tokens, moving the map, pulling up character sheets, zooming, pretty much anything I try to do is met with lag so bad it makes the game impossible to play. While dragging player tokens from one part of the map to the other, the lag spikes were so bad the game "dropped" the character token before I had finished moving it and revealed parts of the map to the player. I do have Fog of War and Dynamic Lighting on. I have not yet switched to UDL. I've removed token sight with the script, but the map only has a handful of monster tokens on it anyway (it's the Death House map from the Strahd module). I've done all I can think of but the lag remains and it's rendering the game unplayable. How can I fix this?