I'm running a Curse of Strahd game that's only got two sessions under its belt and only a few handouts on top of the included ones. We tried playing it Monday night and the map was wholly unusable due to excruciating token lag. I had everyone reload the game, and it took some of us up to five minutes (we timed it) for the game to load, even when we were just on the empty landing page. Even now, at 10am on a Wednesday, it takes up to 30 seconds for me to load the map with no other players logged in. It wasn't always like this. Our first session (two weeks ago) went off without a hitch. Same module, same maps, same everything. Likewise, other games that had zero lag as recently as a few weeks back are now sluggish to both load and play. What gives and how do I fix it? The system is genuinely unusable for some of my games.