Hi All,
I'm hoping to modify a Macro like this:
@{selected|token_name} rolls a check.
Normal, /gr 1d20|
Advantage, /gr 2d20kh1|
Disadvantage, /gr 2d20kl1}
In such a way that the output value will also state the character's name and if it was rolled with advantage. I've tried a few different settings and searching the forums has not been very fruitful.
What I want to see is after the player selects if it is a normal roll or roll with advantage or disadvantage that the output says the person's name and which roll they used.
I plan to use the character sheet macros for most checks, but I thought it would be handy to have a quick button available to all the players that allows them to do this, but I'd like to see in the output if they chose adv / disadv / or normal.
I find some of the documentation around the templates a bit confusing as well. If anyone has a link to pages that simply list all the functions, or maybe some more examples of how to use them, that would be awesome as well. I find looking over what I do see in the wiki or forums just a bit difficult to interpret.
Thanks much!