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Allow token to see down but not up.

Is there a way to allow players to view down from an "elevated" position, but not up to it from below? For example in the below cave the cultists are on an elevated rockface, watching the cave entrance.  As it stands the only way i can stop the players from seeing the cultists right away is to put a LDL line along the rock face.  But if i do that it also block them seeing down to the path once they actually get up there. Is there anyway around this?   
David M.
API Scripter
Not without api access. There is a one-way dynamic lighting script made just for this purpose, but it is a Pro-only solution. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Doh!&nbsp; &nbsp;Ok, i guess i'll just have to delete the LDL blocker when a player gets up there and "reveals" the terrain. Thanks for the quick reply!
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
You can put the Cultist tokens on the GM Layer and just move them to the Token layer when the players could actually see them...
David M.
API Scripter
This. Finderski said: You can put the Cultist tokens on the GM Layer and just move them to the Token layer when the players could actually see them...

Edited 1599582434
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