A Much Bigger Problem For the past sixty-seven years Wheatwinter Farm, a small farm outside the village of Longbranch, has produced an essential survival tool for the town—a unique strain of wheat that can survive the harsh winters of the region. However, for the past few weeks, something has been terrorizing the livestock at Wheatwinter and the surrounding farms. Markus Wheatwinter has defended his farm from goblins time and time again, but this time something is different and he has put out a call for aid. This is approx three to four hour one-shot.  We will have a few min break partway through the game.   We will play on Roll20 and use Discord for voice chat. Character sheets are available for you to build a character to level three rolling for stats or standard array your choice.  You are allowed to use any official source however one the PHB and xanathar's guide to everything is pre-loaded into the charactermancer.  I will be online approx 30mins before the listed time to provide any assistance.     This game will use dynamic lighting and background audio. This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of < Via Pay Pal, $10, and once prior to session >. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. This is a very relaxed game with a relaxed Dm.  If you are interested please feel free to join.  My email for PayPal will be placed in the discord chat.