Hello everybody ! Found something weird about the Roll20 canvas. The below has been tested under updated Brave and Firefox. When the canvas display size (altered by zoom level) is strictly lower than screen height + margin, no issue. When the canvas display size is greater than the screen height, no issue. BUT When the canvas display size is between screen height + margin then the top value is wrong somewhat and result in a glitch ... On screenshots below, for a screen of 1920x1280 and a map size of 700x700 (tiles doubled). If zoom is lower than 110%, no issue. If zoom is greater than 140%, no issue. BUT If zoom is between 110% and 140%, then the bottom of canvas disappears (appears like a wrong top value, in fact the canvas content seems to be translated to the top a little too much). Hope that someone could understand what I tried to report, thank you for reading :P