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External Images not showing - On Character sheet and elsewhere - Broken

Hi, 1st bug report. My game calls and references a lot of images on Imgur. I use them in handouts, maps, tokens, character sheets etc.&nbsp; I am a pro subscriber. The Problem. Since 07 10 20 none of them are showing any more. This is a major impact on the game. Here is an example of a piece of code from a character sheet. &lt;img src="<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" alt="Max Health" width="141" height="32" longdesc="<a href=";&gt;&lt;/strong" rel="nofollow">"&gt;&lt;/strong</a>&gt; This would display an image for the Max Health on the player character sheet&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;--- This is an example Additionally I would use the same sort of thing on character sheets as tokens with an bit of API which would allow players to view additional pictures of items etc in the chat box so&nbsp; they could display things to other players eg. the player finds a box and opens it and can show the others what he has found in chat without disturbing the main display or needing the GM to Show to Players etc. So my game is seriously broken as I use this a lot eg a city maps where players can view all the buildings individually on their own with GM intervention. Please help
Thank god I'm not the only one. I have just created a topic about this exact same issue. I hope it's fixed soon.