Greetings Everyone! This is Dark Sun campaign setting adapted to 5e by community. We have 2 available slots right now. Please send me DM if interested. Welcome to unforgiving world of scorched sands, cannibals, slavers and misery, ruled by evil tyrants and harsh laws of crippled nature. I'm a Veteran DM with over 20 years of experience in RPG but new to Roll20. My goal was to create strong, story focused background and some convincing interactions with NPCs as well as let you to feel harsh, punishing nature of dying world of Athas. So on every 2-3 sessions that will look like standard one (dungeon crawling, exploring map and discovering hidden locations, fighting monsters/NPC opponents, finding treasures) there will be 1 which will be focused on completely different aspects. During this "different session" your challenges and encounters will spin around your survival skill, planning and preparation, traveling, interactions with NPC, tying up clues and hints to unravel clear pictures of world around you, espionage, gathering information, building up relationships and reputation with factions within the game, your role playing and more. Know that every open question mark put on your bio/personality part of character sheet will be taken under consideration and you will find, sooner or later during campaign, things from your "past" coming to live. So if you are looking for some generic "we've got assignment in the tavern to slay the troll in the swamp" kind of experience, where 99% of it is focused on hacking and chopping new waves of bastard creeps, spawned in number and density that would ashamed biggest colonies of shrimps in the ocean, probably you will feel a bit disappointed. But if you are looking for game, that will challenge your killer instinct in the same manner as it's challenging your imagination, creativity and intellect then surely you will spend a good time together with players who are already exploring one of the best (if not the only) campaign settings ever created. It's not for everyone, but surely it is for you. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This
game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of 10$
(transferred via paypal in the beginning of the session, more info in
listing). Roll20 is not responsible for any payment
transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.