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Landing Page Gallery Thread 2020


Edited 1602776710
I wanted to create a new one of these to see what kind of landing pages the community has created since the last one of these was made. The previous two threads that I've seen are here and here . Posted in this forum because this is where Keith Curtis posted his two years ago. According to Keith a Landing Page is: Also referred to as a Home Page or a Splash Page, the Landing page is the entry point to your campaign. People have come up with some clever uses for them in the past, but at a bare minimum, the Landing Page should have tokens out for all active characters, so that players can easily work with them in the down time. Other potential elements: A campaign map A map from the recent adventure A text area detailing the last adventure or xp award The latest treasure that has not been divvied up (useful if you use  cards for inventory ) Clues to follow up on A Notice Board of quests in the area A Rogues Gallery of the BBEG and his/her lieutenants An area for players to scribble on with the drawing tools (some people gotta) Images of prominent NPCs or locations A Kill Record— X-ed out tokens of defeated adversaries So I first really started experimenting with this when a buddy of mine told me that roll20 uses a 70x70 pixel grid for its Tabletop. Most of you probably already know this but it is what allowed me to start experimenting in GIMP creating landing pages for my players! I have a lot of fun doing it and creating "character cards" to more easily display player stats on the Tabletop. Alright anyway without further ado here are my current landing pages that I think look pretty cool. Delta Green 1.0 Each of the numbers are adjustable rollable tables! Right click and you can change HP on the card. Pretty neat. Delta Green 2.0 This was a generational  game. I had my players play the same group of agents from 1965 all the way to the 1985. I got tired of running it before they reached retirement age and of course several of them died along the way but it was a lot of fun. I'd change the banner every week when I switched to a new adventure. FFFG Edge of the Empire This is a newer game that I'm running and a less accomplished landing page but I still think it looks cool. In Edge of the Empire for those who don't know during character creation the crew gets to pick a spaceship to be their crew's space ship. My group choice the  Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport. And since this is the type of game where they're going to spend a lot of time on their starship, I made a floorplan for them in DeepNight's RPG Map 2 and then found the EotE logo on google and created this splash page. ( Note: I'm zoomed out to get more of the image in at one time. It looks better fully zoomed!) So how about you. Anyone done any creative landing pages for your games? I'd love to see them!
How could I forget to drop a marketplace item you all should check out which I used in some of my designs. Dashing Dashboard by Chibbin Grove is great!

Edited 1602776760
Demon: the Descent (Beltway Tango) Demon the Descent (Cryptid Shuffle) Mage the Awakening (Boston Unveiled) Mage the Awakening (Louisville Blues)
Don't usually do detailed landing pages, saying that however I am proud of this one for Shadows Over Sol
Love your landing page for Shadows Over Sol.
Sheet Author
That Shadows Over Sol landing page is awesome!
Forum Champion
Innovative looks! Mine is busy looking. Hey, at least I know where everything is on my desk. This 'dashboard' space is a mustering-ground for fresh combatants, assembled quickly albeit laboriously, as a new campaign of Dark Sun world begins. AD&D 2E on Roll20 click pic for larger impression
Oh wow gold that looks really cool. Dark Sun is such a cool setting. Hey I wanted to shout out a graphic design guy or gal known as EuclidPrime who makes way better landing pages than I ever could. Click here to see his portfolio.  

Edited 1602727410
Red Markets Landing Page
Sheet Author
API Scripter
What.... what happened to Clark?
Oosh said: What.... what happened to Clark? He is a latent. Infected with the zombie virus but still sentient. When he dies he'll turn into a zombie!
David M.
API Scripter
Clark sadly had a rough stint in html replacement hell. Don't be like Clark. Use chat menus.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Haha, yeah a couple of Ziechael's 3.5 macros have made me feel a bit like Clark.
Who is a Ziechael? Mind showing off the macros? I love seeing cool Macros too! Speaking of which.... Gold said: Innovative looks! Mine is busy looking. Hey, at least I know where everything is on my desk. This 'dashboard' space is a mustering-ground for fresh combatants, assembled quickly albeit laboriously, as a new campaign of Dark Sun world begins. AD&D 2E on Roll20 click pic for larger impression Gold you have a really cool custom roll template in the chat there in your screenshot. Is that an actual roll template or an image?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Drew said: Who is a Ziechael? Mind showing off the macros? I love seeing cool Macros too! Speaking of which.... Ziechael is the forum guru for macros, and undisputed master of html substitutions. (I had the same reaction as Oosh on seeing Clark, lol.)
Forum Champion
Drew said: Gold said:  as a new campaign of Dark Sun world begins. AD&D 2E on Roll20 click pic for larger impression Gold you have a really cool custom roll template in the chat there in your screenshot. Is that an actual roll template or an image? I used "Message Of The Day" (roll20 API script, available to roll20 PRO subscribers, community-created by The Aaron, available in the One-Click). It throws that (whatever pic & text i want) into the chat each time a user logs in, it whispers it to that user.
Very cool.
red markets landing page update
Beautiful stuff, keep it coming!
Oh wow. I love this. Looks so cool. Excellent use of the Dashing Dashboard stuff. I gotta take inspiration from this. Very cool landing page.
I just got back into being a DM after a 25+year off/on break and not playing a real game since at least 3.5. It's a long story, but when the game came up our DM dropped the day before the game and so my wife asked me to come out of retirement and DM. I just took the Lost Mines and  converted it for a world I had been working on.  
Drew said: Oh wow. I love this. Looks so cool. Excellent use of the Dashing Dashboard stuff. I gotta take inspiration from this. Very cool landing page. Dashing Dashboard is awesome, isn't it? I also use lots from Gabriel Pickard's Vile Tiles and a fair number of markers from Heroic Markers (Black-Silver) set. 
I love this. Great work Sean and welcome back to gaming. Hope it is going awesome. sean c. said: I just got back into being a DM after a 25+year off/on break and not playing a real game since at least 3.5. It's a long story, but when the game came up our DM dropped the day before the game and so my wife asked me to come out of retirement and DM. I just took the Lost Mines and  converted it for a world I had been working on.   Jay R. said: Drew said: Oh wow. I love this. Looks so cool. Excellent use of the Dashing Dashboard stuff. I gotta take inspiration from this. Very cool landing page. Dashing Dashboard is awesome, isn't it? I also use lots from Gabriel Pickard's Vile Tiles and a fair number of markers from Heroic Markers (Black-Silver) set.  It really is great. I don't own Vile Tiles or Heroic Markers but I may have to make an investment. They seem great.

Edited 1604560811
Is there a way to create 'links' (images, text or tokens) that would open a handout?  My thinking is I'd like a list of links like 'Current Objective', 'Recent Events', etc that the players could log into anytime and click and get a handout popup that has detailed info and pics of the item.  I've searched but can't find anything.
Dale K. said: Is there a way to create 'links' (images, text or tokens) that would open a handout?&nbsp; My thinking is I'd like a list of links like 'Current Objective', 'Recent Events', etc that the players could log into anytime and click and get a handout popup that has detailed info and pics of the item.&nbsp; I've searched but can't find anything. Yes this is possible but its not super easy. You have to get the direct link to the handout which I remember being kind of difficult. You have to create a link handout within a handout to get the link. You do this by creating a master handout to create your links and then typing the name of the handout inside brackets. So for example: [Current Objective] turns into this: So now you have a link on the masterlist that takes you to the current objective handout. When you click that link it pops up! Now you're going to right click on the link and copy the URL. To do this we create a hyperlink in chat. This is done using this formating: [TEXT](URL) So in this case ---&gt;&nbsp;[Current Objective](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) It will end up looking like this: You can format it using the default template or the templates created by your system of choice. Make buttons. Do all kinds of stuff.
+1 to this&nbsp;
Pathfinder Carrion Crown Landing Page (Close Up) (Zoomed Out)
Sr. K
Sheet Author
Sr. K said: DotMM Oh wow this is so cool! Awesome work.
Those last two -- totally fierce and awesome! Love it.